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Text B Rich Meeting His Future Mother-in-law Unit 3, Book 2 eve X’mas Eve New Year’s Eve the eve of victory the eve of the general election on the eve of ingredient ingredient / component / composition / element ingredient: 主要指混合物的成分 component: 尤用于机械装置的组成部分 composition: 尤指物体内在的固有的不可分割的组成部分 element: “元素”类的成份 anticipate anticipate doing 怀着痛苦或喜悦之心预想 expect: 怀有必然、确定之心的期望 expect to do bump v. bump against bump into compel -pel drive dispel 卸除 expel 驱除 impel 推进 propel 推进 repel 击退 behalf on behalf of on one’s behalf innocent be innocent of be guilty of criticize criticize sb. for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事而批评某人 n. criticism critic clue clue / hint / implication / cue clue: 指有助于发现真相的事,与to连用 hint:“暗示”,指间接或隐蔽的启示 implication:“暗含”之义,指在文章或者话语中没有直截了当表明之义 cue:关于如何行动或做什么的暗示 cue take one’s cue from 学……的样,听……的劝告 The Joy Luck Club written by Amy Tan (谭恩美) published by G. P. Putnams Sons in 1989 the stories of four Chinese-immigrant women and their American-born daughters The Joy Luck Club presenting the development of the mother-daughter relationship from deviation, conflict to understanding and final union reflecting the conflict and reconciliation of Chinese and American culture in details Passage B is extracted from the novel, telling the story between Lindo and her daughter, Waverly. More Information: /joy-luck/ Para. 4 My instructions are in my fingers. paraphrase: (Unlike Auntie Suyuan who can only cook while looking at directions,) I am so skilled that I can prepare and cook without much thinking as if my fingers did it by themselves. translate: 我对烹饪了如指掌。 Para. 5 I had seen her expression when she opened the door, her forced smile as she surveyed him from head to toe, checking her judgment of him against that already given to her by Auntie Suyuan. forced smile: smile produced unwillingly (thus unnatural) or with difficulty 勉强地笑了笑 from head to toe: over the whole of one’s body 从头到脚 from head to foot / from head to tail The children were cove


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