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英语语法(2) 周村电大:张婉茹 数 词 要求:基数词及其用法;序数词的构成及其用法;分数词的构成;小数的用法。 数词(2) 3.基数词可以用来表达年份、时间、电话号码。 1700 seventeen hundred   1814 eighteen fourteen   9:20 nine twenty 11:30 eleven thirty/ half past eleven   5:45 five forty-five/ a quarter to six eight eight seven, six zero two, three one 4.基数词可以用于编号。 Number six, line 4, page 19, Bus (No.) 332, Platform (No.) 5, Room 101 5.基数词可以和其他词一起构成合成形容词,在句子中作定语。 A one-month-old baby can recognize its mother by smell. This eleven-month-old baby can speak a few words. (The baby is eleven months old.) The teacher asked us to write a four-thousand-word essay as our homework. (There are four thousand words in the essay.) This four-paragraph essay is too difficult for me to understand. (There are four paragraphs in this essay. ) 数词(3) 二、序数词及其主要用法 表示顺序的词称为序数词。如first, second, third, fourth, ninth, twenty-first, forty-fifth等。 序数词可以用来表示日期和世纪。 May the first / the first of May(5.1), August the eighth / the eighth of August(8.8), the twentieth century, the twenty-first century 序数词在句子中前面一般加the The first of October is our National Day. She was the third to arrive. 序数词在句子中前面加不定冠词,表示“再一”又一“。 They’ll have to do it a second time. Shall I ask him a third time? When he sat down , a fourth man rose to ask. 数词(3) 三、分数词的构成 分数的分子用基数词表示,分母用序数词表示,若分子大于1,分母需用复数。 two-thirds(2/3), one-third(1/3), nine-tenths (9/10), five-twelfths(5/12)。 特殊表达法有: one half (1/2), a quarter (1/4), three quarters (3/4) 数词(4)重点 基数词可以和其他词一起构成合成形容词,在句子中作定语,名词不能加s. 数词部分需特别注意dozen, hundred, million, billion 等词。 表示具体数字时,这些词用单数形式,表示不具体的数字时, 须用dozens of, hundreds of 这类的结构。 I want three dozen of these. He has been there dozens of times. It is reported that _____ people in this area were saved in the storm. A. hundred B. hundred of C. hundreds of D. some hundreds   (答案 C) 当数词与名词及其他词构成合成形容词时,合成形容词中间若用连字符,则其中的名词须用单数形式。 The homework for the next period is to write a two-hundred-word composition


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