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IFN-γELISA试剂盒说明书IFN-γELISA试剂盒说明书供应商:上海乔羽生物有限公司规格:96T/48T本产品只用于科研实验。IFN-γELISA试剂盒说明书样本处理及要求: 1. 血清:室温血液自然凝固10-20分钟,离心20分钟左右(2000-3000转/分)。仔细收集上清,保存过程中如出现沉淀,应再次离心。 2. 血浆:应根据标本的要求选择EDTA或柠檬酸钠作为抗凝剂,混合10-20分钟后,离心20分钟左右(2000-3000转/分)。仔细收集上清,保存过程中如有沉淀形成,应该再次离心。 3. 尿液:用无菌管收集,离心20分钟左右(2000-3000转/分)。仔细收集上清,保存过程中如有沉淀形成,应再次离心。胸腹水、脑脊液参照实行。 4. 细胞培养上清:检测分泌性的成份时,用无菌管收集。离心20分钟左右(2000-3000转/分)。仔细收集上清。检测细胞内的成份时,用PBS(PH7.2-7.4)稀释细胞悬液,细胞浓度达到100万/ml左右。通过反复冻融,以使细胞破坏并放出细胞内成份。离心20分钟左右(2000-3000转/分)。仔细收集上清。保存过程中如有沉淀形成,应再次离心。 5. 组织标本:切割标本后,称取重量。加入一定量的PBS,PH7.4。用液氮迅速冷冻保存备用。标本融化后仍然保持2-8℃的温度。加入一定量的PBS(PH7.4),用手工或匀浆器将标本匀浆充分。离心20分钟左右(2000-3000转/分)。仔细收集上清。分装后一份待检测,其余冷冻备用。 6. 标本采集后尽早进行提取,提取按相关文献进行,提取后应尽快进行实验。若不能马上进行试验,可将标本放于-20℃保存,但应避免反复冻融. 7. 不能检测含NaN3的样品,因NaN3抑制辣根过氧化物酶的(HRP)活性IFN-γELISA试剂盒说明书elf owned material1 distilled water.2 sampling device: 5ul, 10ul, 50ul, 100ul, 200, 500ul, 1000ul.3 oscillator and magnetic mixer, etc..Security1 avoid direct contact with the termination of liquid and substrate A, B. Once exposed to these fluids, please rinse with water as soon as possible.2 in the experiment do not eat or drink, smoke or use cosmetics.3 dont learn any of the ingredients of the reagent box with the mouth.Operational matters needing attention1 reagents should be stored according to the label instructions, and return to room temperature before use. After thinning of the standard products should be discarded, can not be saved.2 in the experiment, the need for the slab should be immediately put back in the bag, sealed to avoid deterioration.3 other reagents should be packaged or covered. Do not mix different batches of reagents. Before use.4 use disposable suction head to avoid cross contamination, draw the termination solution and substrate A, B liquid, avoid using the belt with metal part of the sample.5 use a clean plastic container to configure the washing liquid. All samples of ingredients and mix well before use in the kit.6 wash the enzyme labeled plate should be fully dry, do not put



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