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目的:对生产过程进行有效的控制,确保产品满足技术设计和服务的要求。 Objective: Control the process of production effectively to ensure that the products meet the technical design and requirements of service. 适用范围:适用于本公司产品的生产工艺过程和操作管理的控制。 Applicable Scope: Apply to control of production, technical process and the operation management in our company. 职责 Responsibility 3.1技术开发部负责编制产品技术条件、图纸等技术性工艺规范,并批准生产工艺性文件。 The Production Development Dept. shall be responsible for preparing technical norms such as production technical conditions, drawings etc. and approving productive craft documents. 3.2生产技术部负责审核生产工艺性文件,并指导生产部进行生产装备布置和工装夹具设计等生产工艺性需要。 The Production Technique Dept. shall be responsible for reviewing productive craft documents and providing guidance of layout of the production equipment and fixture design, and other production technical requirements. 3.3生产部负责对生产过程进行策划,编制生产过程中所需的生产工艺性文件,并在生产技术部的指导下对操作员进行上岗及操作技能的培训。 The Production Dept. shall be responsible for planning the production process, preparing the technical documents needed in the production process, and giving train for operators about work and operational skills under the guidance of Production Technique Dept. 3.4生产部负责对生产过程中的物料标识和管理,及生产场所的控制和设备使用保养工作。 The Production Department shall be responsible for identification and management of materials in the process of production, and control of production locations and maintenance of equipment. 3.5品保部负责对生产过程中物料转序、产成品过程和最终产品的检验和试验及过程标识的监督检查。 The QC Dept. shall be responsible for inspection of transferring sequence in the production process, the process of finished product and final product, and inspection of testing and process identification. 4.工作程序 Work Procedure 4.1生产过程策划 Planning of Production Process 4.1.1技术开发部负责编制产品技术条件、图纸等技术性工艺规范,经审批后发放,各部门参照执行。 The Technique Development Dept. shall be responsible for preparing technical norms such as production technical conditions and drawings etc., releasing them after approval, each department shall implement them. 4.1.2 生产技术部负责审核生产工艺性文件,并指导生产部进行生


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