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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 从雅思口语评分标准看15种提升流利度的过渡词 雅思口语有四个评分标准,学生们往往对如何提升流利度与连贯性 不知所措,在雅思口语中,有15种过渡词使用的频率极高,可以帮助大 家迅速提升口语交流的流利度与连贯性。 雅思口语有四个评分标准: Fluency Coherence;(流利度与连贯性), Grammatical Range Accuracy(语法广度及准确度), Lexical Resources (词汇范围和准确度) 和Pronunciation(发音)。 根据笔者观察,学生们往往对如何提升流利度与连贯性不知所措, 即便在家里把准备好的材料背的滚瓜烂熟,到了考场也常由于紧张或者 有明显背诵的痕迹,取得一个非常糟糕的分数。虽然在一个较短的时间 内大幅提升自己语言的连贯与流利不是件容易的事,但我们却可以通过 口语中的一些过渡词,帮助自己消除紧张情绪。更重要的是,善于运用 口语中的过渡词,可以大大消除背诵痕迹,让 自己的语言变得更加 自然 ,更具有逻辑性。在雅思口语中,有15种过渡词使用的频率极高,可以 帮助大家迅速提升口语交流的流利度与连贯性。 1. Addition(递进) moreover, what is more, furthermore, , let alone, additionally, not to mention (this), besides (this) , in addition (to this) 真题链接 : Q: Do you often use the dictionary? A: I often refer to a dictionary for some new words. Additionally, browsing the dictionary can also enlarge my vocabulary and knowledge. 2. Reference(引用) considering (this), regarding (this), as for (this), concerning (this), on the subject of (this) 真题链接 : Q: Is time important? A: Well, speaking about the importance of time, there are a lot of old sayings, like ‘Time waits for no man.’; ‘Time never comes back when it is gone.’ 3. Example (举例) such as, particularly, especially, for example, like, in particular, for one thing, notably 真题链接 : Q: Are there any colours that have a special meaning in your country? A: Yea, different colours stands for different meanings. For example, the white colour represents purity and dignity, and the red colour is for joy and celebration. 真题链接 : A: What kinds of museum do you like? Q: Well, I am really fond of some new museums with different movies, particularly, the 3D and 4D movies which give me a vivid picture of history and art. 4. Similarity(相似) similarly, in the same way, equally, likewise, as well as 真题链接 : Q: Do you think advertisement can help products to be sold?


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