防火墙使用说明(Firewall usage instructions).doc

防火墙使用说明(Firewall usage instructions).doc

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防火墙使用说明(Firewall usage instructions)

防火墙使用说明(Firewall usage instructions) ARP firewall usage and configuration instructions What does the Q: ARP firewall mean for several different types of data? A: currently, the ARP firewall displays data types as follows, (1) an external ARP attack - the data displayed is someone elses ARP attack (someone attacks you) (2) external IP conflict - the data displayed is a IP attack (someone attacks you) against you (3) external ARP attacks - the data displayed is your ARP attack on others (you attack others) (4) external IP attacks - the displayed data is your fake source for others; IP attacks; usually TCP SYN Flood (you attack others) (5) external IP flood - when you send data faster than the set threshold, the firewall will start the interception, and the data will be displayed here. (6) security mode - in security mode, only the ARP Request from the gateway will be intercepted, and the ARP Request sent by other machines will be intercepted. The data after the interception will be displayed here. (7) when you send ARP inhibit this machine to send ARP speed exceeds the set threshold, the firewall will start after the interception, interception of data will be displayed here. (8) ARP analysis received is displayed for all ARP data packets received by the machine, in order to analyze the network status. The data shown here is only for experienced network administrators to analyze whether there is a potential attacker or poison machine in the network, and there is no necessary connection with the existence of ARP attacks. If you are not a network administrator, and you are now network normal, you can ignore the data displayed inside. How does Q: decide if Im ARP? A: only the ARP firewall shows external ARP attacks to indicate that you are in the ARP virus (or you are using attack software). Q: analysis of the received ARP, some of the machines sent ARP data is particularly large, what should I do? A: if you are a network administrator, install a ARP firewall on a machine



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