均方根法计算损耗(Root mean square method for calculation of loss).doc

均方根法计算损耗(Root mean square method for calculation of loss).doc

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均方根法计算损耗(Root mean square method for calculation of loss)

均方根法计算损耗(Root mean square method for calculation of loss) Calculation of low voltage line loss with root mean square flow method Editor: China mining business network Source: coal technology, Han Weiguang, Song Wei, Wang Xueqing, time: 2005-11-9 Abstract: the power loss of distribution transformer, low voltage distribution line, connection line and watt hour meter is analyzed, and the method of root mean square current is used to calculate low voltage line loss. Key words: root mean square; current; electric energy loss; ammeter CLC number: TM726.2, document identification code: B, article number: 1008-8725 (1999) 06-0007-02 Using, root, -mean-square, method, in, calculating, low, -voltage, line Consumption HAN, Wei-guang, SONG, Wei, WANG, Xue-qing (Water-Electric, Heat, Power, Comp., Hegang, Coal, Mine, Bureau, Hegang) 154100, China) Abstract:The, loss, of, electric, energy, such, as, distribution Transformer, low-voltage, distribution, current, line, conjunction, line For, user, and, electric, meter, are, analyzed.The, method, of Root-mean-square, for, calculating, low-voltage, line, consumption, is Provided. Key words:root-mean-square; electric current; electric energy Consumption; electric meter 0 RMS current If you know a certain period of time (take 24 a day) H) in the load curve or load record, according to the formula (1) to calculate the RMS current of Ijf, and according to equation (2) to calculate the power loss A. (1) A = 3I2jfRt * 10-3kWh (2) Type I - phase load current per hour, A R - resistance per phase line, Omega T - power supply time, H If the RMS current Ijf is typically representative of the load current of the day, and the actual monthly or annual root mean square current may vary, the actual load can be corrected, and the corrected root mean square current Ijf. 1 Distribution Transformers The power loss of the distribution transformer consists of two parts, the fixed loss and the variable loss. The fixed power calculation formula of loss is A



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