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Turn right at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left. Crossing n. 十字路口 Turn right/left at the + 序数词 + crossing 在第几个十字路口右转/左转 = take the +序数词 + crossing on the right/left 翻译:在第二个十字路口左转。 Turn left at the second crossing = take the second crossing on the left On one’s left / right 在某人的左边/右边 此处left / right 为_______. Linlin is sitting on my left. 琳琳正坐在我的左边。 On the right/left 在右边/左边 名词 小试身手 打扰一下,附近有一家银行吗? 是的,有。沿着北街走,当你能看见一个宾馆然后右转。然后沿着新街走,他就在左边。 他就在公园的对面。 谢谢。那附近有邮局吗? 有。沿着新街直走,在第三个十字路口左转。邮局就在你的右边。他就在警察局对面。 非常感谢。 不用谢。 按要求完成完成下列句子: There is a pen in the pencil box.(一般疑问句) Is there a pen in the pencil box? Is there a police station near here ?(否定回答) No, there isn’t. 这个街道上没有付费电话。 There isn’t a pay phone on the street. 银行在有邮局附近。 The bank is near the post office. 按要求完成完成下列句子: The park is next to the post office.(提问) Where is the park ? There are some restaurants near here.(一般疑问句) Are there any restaurant near here ? 付费电话在哪里? Where is the pay phone ? 1. neighborhood n. 街区,街坊 In the neighborhood 在附近 = around here = near here 在…的附近 in the neighborhood of sth 我住在公园附近。 I live in the neighborhood of the park. N. 邻居 neighbor 2. spend time 花时间 spend 度过,花费时间、金钱 Spend + n. on sth (in) doing sth 1. I ___ 5 yuan on the book. 2. It ___ him 7 days to make the cake. 3. The book ___ me 5 dollars. 4. I ___ 5 yuan for the book. 3. love to do sth 喜爱做某事 4. watch monkeys climbing around 看猴子们爬来爬去 Watch sb doing 看…正在做某事 Watch sb do 看到的经常性行为或已完成的 spend takes costs pay 5. look like 看起来像 Look是半系动词 “看起来” Like prep. 像 Look like + n. / 代词 He looks like my father. He is like my father. 提问:某人长的什么样子? What do/does + 主语 + look like ? 回答: He is tall / short . She is fat / thin. 长的像 感觉像 To get there, I usually walk out and turn right on Bridge Road. 6. To get there 是动词不定式结构 to do sth 为了到达那 做目的状语,放在句首起强调作用,也可放句末 为了学好英语,他需要一本英语书。 To learn English well, he needs an English book. 他为了赚钱夜以继日的工作。 He works day and night to get the money. T


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