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只須下載[ADT Bundle]套件,不須單獨下載[Eclipse],解壓縮後即可取得該應用程式 安裝時可單獨安裝必威体育精装版版本,其他版本在需要時再行安裝即可 1. 在xxxActivity.java專案上方按滑鼠右鍵 2. 點選[Source]/[Override Implement Methods] 3. 在跳現之視窗上選用[Activity] 4. 展開相關事件 5. 選用對應事件 編輯時不能在物件名稱後直接輸入 必須在物件名. 產生之下拉視窗中選用事件 偵聽事件xxxListener 若一物件使用匿名事件,必須在實作物件後立即定義匿名事件 EX: passwordTxt=(EditText) findViewById(R.id.editText1); passwordTxt.setOnKeyListener(new OnKeyListener(){ public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if(keyCode==66) showPasswordLbl.setText(passwordTxt.getText()); return false; } } ); 1. 在Eclipse 功能表點選 [Window]/[Show View]/[Other] 2. 點選 [LogCat] 3. 在專案視窗上將多出 [LogCat] 視框 4. 尚須再專案開頭加入[Imports android.util.log;] 若java程式內涵Log方法但為已入前述物件,編輯視窗將出錯,此時將游標一致錯誤處,系統會自動提示對應之除錯方法 1. 點選功能表[Window]/[Reset Perspective] 2. 在跳現之視窗上點選[Yes] 1. 在 res/layout.xml檔名上按右鍵 2. 點選[除厝模式] 3. 點選[remove surpress] Layout.xml 出現API版本Error 在圖形介面上 點選最上層之Outline 右擊/ [Change Layout] / [開啟選單]/ [重選] sp: sp for font sizes, sp is scale-independent pixels px: px is one pixel (pt 是个绝对单位,1 pt =1/72 英寸) dip: dip for everything else (dip = dp), dip is Density-independent pixels ems: “Ems” (em): The “em” is a scalable unit that is used in web document media /2014/03/19/difference-between-px-dp-dip-and-sp-in-android/ /stag/netezza-regexp_extract-sp/ /z/shenghuo718141.html Pixels – corresponds to actual pixels on the screen (warning : Avoid using “px” as units; use “dp” instead). Button android:id=@+id/button1 android:layout_width=160px android:layout_height=wrap_content android:layout_alignLeft=@+id/editText1 android:layout_below=@+id/editText1 android:text=Button / Density-independent Pixels – an abstract unit that is based on the physical density of the screen. These units are relative to a 160 dpi screen, so one dp is one pixel on a 160 dpi screen. The ratio of dp-to-pixel will change with the screen density, but not necessarily in direct proportion. Note: The compiler accepts both “dip” and “dp”, though “dp” is more consistent with “sp”. EditTex


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