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Heat eneragy: the motion of the atoms and molecules Temperature of the air: a measure of its average kinetic eneragy The warmer of the air, the molecules move faster, and move slighty farther apart→less-dense air Heat: energy transferred from one object to another because of the temperature difference Energy, temperature and hea Radiation 1.The higher the temperature, the faster the electrons vibrate, and the shorter are the wavelengths of the emitted radiation Wien’s law: 2.The temperature of an object increases, more total radiation is emitted each second Stefan-Boltzmann law: Scattering: the light is deflected in all direction by air molecules: mainly shorter wacelengths →sky blue by particles and droplets→all wavelengths of the visible lights→sky white Incoming Solar energy 大氣上界太陽輻射能量曲線與地面太陽輻射能量曲線圖 p.40-41 不同緯度太陽輻射的削弱圖 p.44 不同地面的太陽輻射反射率 p.47 不同自然帶地面反射率的年變化圖 西安總輻射、直接輻射、散射的日變化圖 海陸受熱過程的差異圖 Invisible water vapor→water droplets and ice crystals (latent heat is released to the air) Conduction the faster-vibrating molecules cause adjoining molecules to vibrate faster Heat transferred in this fashion always from warmer to colder regions Good conductor: pass energy easier from one molecule to another Convection: Rising air expands and cools because of using some of its own energy to expand the parcel Sinking air is compressed and warms because of the higher outside pressure squeezing the parcel and then the average speed of molecules inside going up 呼和浩特輻射差額的日變化圖 p.49 各緯度帶輻射差額的理論溫度與實際溫度的比較表 p.228 Potential energy: 位能 kinetic energy:動能 Absolute zero:絕對零度 heat capcity:熱容量 Specific heat: 比熱 latent heat:潛熱 Sensible heat: 顯熱(可感熱) conduction:傳導 Convection: 對流 thermals:上升的熱空氣 Advection: 熱平流 radiant energy:輻射能 Ele


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