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中小民营企业绩效管理问题研究 在市场竞争日趋激烈的今天,利用人力资源来获取竞争优势已得到了管理者和学者们的共识。而绩效管理作为现代人力资源管理的核心问题,也逐渐被中小民营企业所重视。近年来,我国中小民营企业发展迅速,为社会稳定、经济发展做出了不可忽视的贡献。但中小民营企业在实施绩效管理时的落后性制约了其进一步发展。本文在进行了大量问卷调查与深度访谈的基础上,首先对中小民营企业进行界定,介绍了绩效管理的相关理论。然后通过对我国中小民营企业员工绩效管理现状的调查,对绩效管理存在问题的原因进行分析。最后针对中小民营企业的特点,并结合绩效管理在中小民营企业中实施的实践经验,提出中小民营企业有效实施绩效管理的相应对策。希望能对我国中小民营企业完善绩效管理体系有所帮助。 关键词? 中小民营企业,人力资源管理,绩效管理,对策 Title??? Research on Performance Management in the Medium and Small -sized Private Enterprises Abstract:? As the market competition is getting intense increasingly, making use of human resources to obtain competitive advantages has been the consensus of managers and scholars. Performance management, the core problem as modern human resources management, is taken into account by medium and small-sized private enterprises gradually. In recent years, Chinas medium and small-sized private enterprises have developed rapidly. They had made noticeable contributions for social stability and economic development. But the backwardness in the implementation of performance management in medium and small-sized private enterprises will restrict their further development. Firstly, the definition of the medium and small-sized private enterprises and performance management theory are introduced based on a lot of questionnaires and depth interviews in this paper. Then through the investigation of present situation of performance management in small and medium-sized private enterprise, the causes of the performance management problem are analyzed . At last, in combination with the practical experience and character of performance management in medium and small-sized private enterprises, some suggestions of performance management are put forward. I hope it can help to medium and small-sized private enterprises improve performance management system in China. Keywords :? medium and small sized private enterprises, human resources management ,? performance management , counter measure 1 引言 近年以来,我国中小民营企业不断发展壮大,为社会稳定、经济发展做出了不可忽视的贡献。许多


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