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注:此处的书指《计算机网络》谢希仁第五版 一、Single Choice(2/item,20 for all) 1.The first network architecture in the world is:( A ) A、SNA B、OSI/RM C、TCP/IP D、DNA 2.A network connected computers in offices located in one building, this network can be named as:( C ) A、WAN B、MAN C、LAN D、Internet 3.In terms of real time performance, which f the followings is better:?(A) A、packet switching(分组交换) B、message switching(报文交换) C、circuit switching D、all three are same 4.HTML is a kind of:( A ) A、超文本标记语言 B、统一资源定位器 C、超文本传输协议 D、网络地址 5.The telephone T1 carrier is a typical example of ( B ) A、频分多路复用(FDM) B、时分多路复用(TDM) C、波分多路复用(WDM) D、码分多址CDMA 6.Which of the followings is for baseband transmission in bus network:( B ) A、802.2 B、802.3 C、802.5 D、802.4 7.The maximum frame length in 802.3 is:(D ) A、512B B、1500B C、64B D、1518B 8.Which of the followings is in application layer:( B ) A、IPX B、DNS C、ARP D、SPX 9.In which OSI layer, the packet报文 route is decided? C A、物理层 B、数据链路层 C、网络层 D、运输层 10.The transmission data unit in the network layer is( D ) A、bit B、frame C、packet 数据包 D、datagram 数据报 11.WAN in computer network means:( B ) A、局域网 B、广域网 C、个人网 D、以太网 12.HDLC中 ( A )frame is used for information and data transmission。 A、信息(I帧) B、监控帧(S帧) C、无编号帧(U帧) D、都不是 13.After the correct configuration, assuming the subnet mask (子网掩码) of a host machine is ,the IP address of the machine should be a(B )。 A、A类地址  B、B类地址 C、C类地址 D、不能确定 14.Which of the followings is not used as IP address:( C ) A、 B、2 C、 D、 15.逻辑地址58,用 Ipv4二进制表示32地址正确的是:A A BCDE、以上都不对 16.Which of the followings is application layer protocol:( B ) A、TCP B、DNS(域名服务器) C、ARP


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