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YU Zhong, et al:Current Status and Development Strategies of TCMM Exportation in China 67
nology of TCMM extra tion is also not so advan ed;it is It is important to strengthen the ommuni ation and
diffi ult to ontrol the quality of TCMM preparations; ooperation among governments, trade and a ademi orga-
there is a large gap between the GMP of China and that of nizations, to gradually eliminate ultural barriers by pub-
developed ountries;quality ontrol of TCMM mostly re- li izing and explaining the theory and ulture of TCM.
lies on qualitative analysis and quantitative testing of a Firstly, Chinese must translate the lassi al literature of
single omponent;and the data of pharma ologi al test, TCM, unify the on epts and terms, and publish TCM
drug effi a y and toxi ologi al test have not been re og- monographs, magazines, and newspapers to oversea oun-
nized by international ountries, be ause of the limited tries.Se ondly, they need to ooperate with foreign re-
experien e of GCP and GLP implementation in China. sear h institutions in areas su h as pharma odynami
nformation barriers me hanisms, quality ontrol, lini al trials and new pro-
Information asymmetry is also an export barrier.As du t development.Thirdly, they should establish a quali-
the exporter, China holds more information about produ ts fi ation authenti ation system for herbalist do tors
and supply, but the importers hold more information on throughout the world.Fourthly, TCM hospitals ought to
market demands, i.e.both sides have market information be set up in other ountries.
asymmetry.A typi al example is the ase of Longdanxie- Standardization of TCMM
ganwan (Pill of Gentiana for Purging Liver-Fir
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