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Analysis of Campus Landscape Pattern
Based on QuickBird Image and GIS
Baoshi Jin, Hongyuan Yan, Baohua Zhou
(School of Resources and Environment Science, Anqing Teachers College, Anqing 246011, China)
Abstract—The campus landscape of Anqing Teachers College programming of Campus Landscape is going to rebuild a new
was investigated and counted based on QuickBird image and landscape pattern based on respecting nature and ecology,
GIS technique. Lots of landscape pattern index was calculated corresponding to its future target, combined with adjusting
by the theory of landscape ecology and spatial pattern analysis land resource allocation and using, optimizing existing or
software Fragstats. Results showed that there were 1789678 introducing something new. After that, we could create a new
square meters of study area and six types of campus landscape. landscape ecology system that is better than the old in
Teaching and administrative area, living and leisure area, roads economic, society and ecology benefits. This research took
and square, greening and wood, water area, unused land high spatial resolution QuickBird remote sensing image as data
occupied 6.94%, 5.97%, 11.4%, 31.19%, 12.28%, 32.22% source, combined with geographic information system and
respectively. The Shannon ’s diversity index, Shannon ’s landscape spatial analysis method. We studied the different
evenness index and contagion index of landscape pattern was kind of landscape types of Longshan campu
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