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中国学校卫生2015年10月第36卷第 10期 Chin J Sch HealthꎬOctober 2015ꎬVol.36ꎬNo.10 1517
上海体育学院体育休闲与艺术学院ꎬ上海 200438
【摘要】 目的 了解上海市中小学生体育锻炼对幸福感的影响ꎬ为促进中小学生的身心全面发展提供依据ꎮ 方法
采用随机抽样和整群抽样相结合的方法ꎬ自行设计问卷对上海市3 356名中小学生体育锻炼情况和幸福感水平进行调查ꎮ
结果 上海市中小学生课余时间每周参加体育锻炼3次以下者占54.7%ꎬ3~4次者占27.5%ꎬ5~6次者占10.3%ꎻ每周参加
体育锻炼的时间极少者占19.9%ꎬ≤3 h者占43.5%ꎬ3~7 h者占24.9%ꎮ 中小学生认为自己幸福者占75.4%ꎮ 多元回归分
均0.05)ꎮ 结论 学校应采取有效的措施ꎬ鼓励中小学生参与各种形式的体育锻炼ꎻ家长、教师应关心孩子的身体发育和
【关键词】 体育和训练ꎻ精神卫生ꎻ回归分析ꎻ学生
【中图分类号】 G 806 R 395.6 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1000 ̄9817(2015)10 ̄1517 ̄04
Influence of physical exercise on primary and middle school students happiness in Shanghai/ YAN NiꎬSUN KeꎬHUANG
Ju ̄yun.Sports leisure and art collegeꎬShanghai University of SportꎬShanghai(200438)ꎬChina
【Abstract】 Objective To understand the influence of physical exercise on primary and middle school students sense of
happiness in Shanghaiandtoprovidebasisfor comprehensivedevelopment of students.Methods Self ̄designedquestionnairewere
usedto research level of physical exercise and sense of happiness of 3 356 primary and middle school students using random sam ̄
pling andclustersamplinginShanghai.Results PrimaryandmiddleschoolstudentsinShanghaiwhotookpartinphysicalexercise
in spare time less than three times a week ( not include three) accounted for 54.7%ꎬ3 5 times (including 5) accounted for
27.5%ꎬ5 to7 times (including 7) accounted for 10.3%ꎻspend little time to join in physical exercise every week accounted for
19.9%ꎬ3 hours