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2009年第01期,第42卷 通 信 技 术 Vol.42,No.01,2009 总第205期 Communications Technology No.205,Totally Libpcap 上硬件Sniffer 的设计与实现 ① ① ① ② 张健毅 , 赵 捷 ,杨济民 ,武瑞亮 (①山东师范大学 物理与电子科学学院,山东 济南 250014;②山东潍坊高新技术产业开发区生物医药科技产业园,山东 潍坊 261011) 【摘 要】为了及时解决生产环境中突发的网络故障,往往需要一款能够迅速协助网管发现问题的工具。文中提出了一 款便携式的硬件 Sniffer,系统采用 S3C44B0X+uCLinux 架构,并基于 Libpcap 平台实现关键嗅探部分。同时设计的产品复制 出一个网络接口可以将系统方便接入网络的任何地方,避免采用分布式结构或ARP 洪水包来实现跨越交换网络。 【关键词】uClinux;Libpcap;嗅探 【中图分类号】TP393 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1002-0802(2009)01-0171-03 Design and Implementation of Hard-Sniffer Based on Libpcap ① ① ① ② ZHANG Jian-yi ,ZHAO Jie ,YANG Ji-min ,WU Rui-liang (①College of Physics and Electronics, Shandong Normal University, Jinan Shandong 250014, China; ②Bio Pharmaceutical Industrial Park Weifang New High Technology Industry Development Zone, Jinan Shandong 250014, China) 【Abstract】To deal with issues in network administration or network optimization, a tool is reqired, which can help us locate the trouble or problems. A newly designed hard-Sniffer based on the S3C44B0X and uCLinux platform is proposed, which utilizes Libpcap to realize the essential sniffing function. Meanwhile, a network interface is produced for the sake of connection convenience in the whole network, which shares the merit of avoiding the deployment of distributed structure or the ARP flood way in the switched networks. As a result, it shows a satisfactory performance under the actual network environment test. 【Key words】uCli


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