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第23卷 第3期 Vol. 23,No.3 2008 6 CHINESE JOURNAL OF RADIO SCIENCE June,2008 1005-0388( 2008)03-0501-05 MIMO-OFDM * 王 晗 汪晋宽 (, 110004) 针对采用梳状导频的 I O-OFD 系统信道估计问题, 提出了一种新的 优导频设计方案,该方案的基本思想是不同发射天线中的导频位置相互正交, 对应 其他天线导频位置的子载波不被使用对比传统的 优导频设计方法, 所提方案有 两 个优点,一是它所需非传输信号的子载波数更少,用于传输信号的子载波增加, 从 而提高了系统频带的利用率二是当OFD 频带两端设置保护频带时,系统存在一 个极限保护频带宽度, 在这 个极限保护频带宽度范围内可以通过调整导频序列的初 始位置来避免部分导频落入保护频带中, 对比传统设计方法,此方案所允许的极限保 护频带宽度更大仿真实验验证了此设计方案的有效性 I O-OFD ; 信道估计; 保护频带;导频 TN92 A Optimal pilot tone design in MIMO-OFDM systems WANG Han WANG Jin- uan ( School of inf ormation S cience Engineering , Northeastern University Shenyang L iaoning 110004, China) Abstract For the channel estimation of I O-OFD systems, a new scheme of pilot tones design is proposed on the basis of the idea that the pilot positions are or- thogonal each other in different antennas, and the subcarriers with respect to the pilot position of other antenna are not used for transmission. Compare to the con- ventional design method, the scheme presented requires much less nonsignal sub- carriers, thus the subcarriers for signal transmission increase and enhances the u- sing efficiency of frequency band. aximum guard bandwidth exists in the I O- OFD systems as the both edges of OFD band are used to be guard band. Com- paring with conventional pilot design, the maximum guard bandwidth is much big- ger in the proposed scheme. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness


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