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服务贸易壁垒的经济效应述论 内 容 摘 要 当今服务贸易发展越来越快,在世界经济贸易中扮演的角色也越来越重要。由于服务贸易的特殊性,各国对服务贸易普遍设置了多种服务贸易壁垒。但世界经济全球化趋势要求服务贸易加速自由化进程。削减服务贸易的多边谈判过程中,各成员需要可以衡量服务贸易壁垒的指标,评价彼此的自由化状况,确立目标和标准,从而确定最终的解决方案。因此将服务贸易壁垒量化以体现各国服务贸易的自由化程度,才能为削减服务贸易壁垒的谈判提供一个有利的决策依据。 服务贸易壁垒现在还没有一个既定的含义,虽然国内外学者对服务贸易壁垒的定义和分类上都不尽相同,但都有其道理。而本文选取的几个典型代表,其定义的角度也都不同,如Hoekman主要是从服务消费者的角度来定义的。量化服务贸易壁垒的研究工具近几年才得到发展,该领域的文献主要以国外学者居多。量化工具主要分为两种:规模测度工具和效应测度工具,其中规模测度工具中以频度工具发展最为成熟,而Hoekman建立了最为基础的频度测量工具,此后的学者们在Hoekman的研究上深入发展与延伸,如澳大利亚团队使用更加详细的信息和系统测度了具体部门的服务贸易壁垒。效应测度工具的研究还处于探索阶段,由于信息量要求较高,测度结果的精准性不高。规模测度工具和效应测度工具相比较各有优缺点,但由于服务贸易削减工作更多的注重服务贸易壁垒规模大小,另一方面,效应测度工具的计算模型比较复杂,数据要求比较高,因此本文认为:今后应该深入研究服务贸易壁垒的规模大小测度,以便能为壁垒削减的谈判提供一个指标。 关键词:服务贸易、壁垒、经济测度 A Review on the Economic Effects of Barriers to the Trade in Services ABSTRACT The trade in service has been developing faster and plays a more important role in the International economic trade. Because of the particularity, most countries have taken controlling measure. With the development of the globalization of international economic and the dependence of each economy, it acquires the liberalization of services trade. During the multi-negotiation of cutting the services trade barriers, an indicator is needed to measure the barriers in each economy’s. Under the indicator, economies can estimate their liberalization in order to establish standard, so that a solution is concluded finally. However, it is a disputed problem that how to reduce services trade barriers. Most barriers to services trade are no-measured policies. If the barriers to services trade can been measured, it can also been a guideline for the negotiation of cutting services trade barriers. There are many different definition and classification of the barriers to the trade in service by the scholars. This paper summarizes several representative ones based different points such as Hoekman who defined the services trade barriers on the point of services customers. The research on the measurement of services trade barriers have been


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