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梨不同品种花药氨基酸含量分析 洪永聪1,辛伟2,李永超3,辛淑亮1* (1青岛农业大学生命科学学院,山东 青岛 266109;2 青岛农业大学资源与环境学院;3 山东省安丘市园林处) 摘要:以茌梨、恩梨、金香梨、槎子梨、冰糖子梨、歪把糙梨、鸭梨和窝梨等8个梨品种的干花药为试验材料,分别测定了它们的17种氨基酸含量,对数据进行聚类分析,作成谱系树状图。原始数据聚类分析的谱系树状图显示:8个梨品种可分成三类,第一类包括6个品种,即茌梨、恩梨、槎子梨、歪把糙梨、金香梨、冰糖子梨;第二类包括1个品种,即鸭梨;第三类包括1个品种,即窝梨。原始数据标准化转换后聚类分析的谱系树状图显示:8个梨品种可分成两类,第一类包括6个品种,即茌梨、恩梨、槎子梨、歪把糙梨、金香梨、冰糖子梨;第二类包括2个品种,即鸭梨和窝梨。两种聚类分析的结果都证明茌梨等6个品种属于茌梨系,说明花药氨基酸含量的聚类分析可以作为梨鉴定品种亲缘关系的依据。 关键词:梨;茌梨系;花药;氨基酸;聚类分析 中图分类号:S666.4;Q946.5 Analysis on Amino Acid Content in the Pollen of Different Pear Varieties HONG Yong-cong1 XIN Wei2 LI Yong-chao3 XIN Shu-liang1* (1 Life Science College, Qingdao Agriculture University, Shandong Province, 266109 China; 2 Resource and Environment College, Qingdao Agriculture University; 3 Anqiu Landscape Management , Shandong Province) Abstract: There were dry pollen of eight pear varieties taken as testing material, named as Chali, Enli, Jinxiangli, Chouzili, Bingtangzili, Waibacaoli, Yali and Woli. The amino acid content in those pollen were tested respectively and the data was cluster analyzed to make a pedigree tree. The pedigree tree of original testing data indicated that eight pear varieties could be divided into three groups, the first group included six varieties (Chali, Enli, Jinxiangli, Chouzili, Bingtangzili, Waibacaoli ), the second group include one variety ( Yali ) and the third group include one variety ( Woli ). The pedigree tree of converted testing data indicated that eight pear varieties could only be divided into two groups, the first group included six varieties (Chali, Enli, Jinxiangli, Chouzili, Bingtangzili, Waibacaoli ), the second group include two varieties ( Yali, Woli ). The result of two cluster analyzing methods showed that six pear varieties belonged to Chali group. The cluster analysis of amino acid content in the pollen could be used to identify the relationship of different pear varieties. Key words: Pear; Chali group; Pollen; Amino Acid; Cluster analysis 收稿日期: 基金项目: 作者简介:洪永聪(1977—),男,博


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