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2002 年 2 月 系统工程理论与实践 第 2 期
1 2
顾 勇 , 吴冲锋
(上海交通大学管理学院, 上海 200052)
摘要: 目前中国资本市场中并购的主要模式是买壳上市和国有股划拨 通过运用回归方法对买壳
上市的动机进行检验, 结论是以炒作为主要动机的收购行为占据主导地位 通过因素分析, 本文认为
在上述两种主要的并购模式下, 二级市场股价的反应没有显著差异
关键词: 并购动机; 买壳上市; 股权划拨; 股价反应
中图分类号: 830 文献标识码:
Emp irical A nalysis on M o tives beh ind A cqu isition s
and Share P rice R espon ses: Evidence from A cqu isition
in Ch ina’s Secu rities M arket
GU Yong W U Chong feng
( , , 200052, )
M anagem ent Schoo l Shanghai J iao tong U niversity Shanghai Ch ina
Abstract: Currently in Ch ina there are tw o m ain m eans to acquire listed companies:
back doo r listing and state ow ned equity transfer A fter verified by regression m ethod
, . ,
o logy the mo tives beh ind back doo r listing are to pursue inside trading Furthermo re
as far as share p rice response patterns are concerned, there is no significant difference
betw een the tw o acquisition m eans after acquisition cases are studied by facto r analy
: ; ;
Keywords mo tives beh ind acquisition back doo r listing state ow ned equity trans
fer; share p