小半径曲线的养护维修与病害整治 - 期刊(Maintenance and disease modification of small radius curve).doc

小半径曲线的养护维修与病害整治 - 期刊(Maintenance and disease modification of small radius curve).doc

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小半径曲线的养护维修与病害整治 - 期刊(Maintenance and disease modification of small radius curve)

小半径曲线的养护维修与病害整治 - 期刊(Maintenance and disease modification of small radius curve) Own collection The error can hardly be avoided For reference exchange If there is an error Please! Thank you Discussion on maintenance and disease treatment of Yanshi line of small radius curve Wang Qiang Jinan Railway Bureau, Linyi railway technology, Shandong Jinan 250000 Abstract: for the core periodical maintenance and disease treatment in the small radius curve has become an important part of railway maintenance work The maintenance task is directly related to the safe operation of maintenance cost and train How to combine the actual situation to strengthen the small radius curve section line of equipment maintenance, improve the quality of equipment To ensure the stable state of the small radius curve The curves of the maintenance and repair of good science is the primary task of the maintenance department Key words: small radius curve Department of public works maintenance 1 Introduction Jinan Railway Bureau under the jurisdiction of Linyi railway section of Yanshi railway K63+000-K307+800, jiaoxinrailway line K123+000-K297+000 Dongping line K29+000-K60+821 A total of 704.144 km line Line 206.028 km The 645 switch group Curve 431 /183.972km The minimum curve radius of 800 meters The radius of 2000 meters under the curve accounted for more than 60% of the number of the whole curve Curve maintenance occupies a large proportion in the daily maintenance work Causes and harms of the 2 curves of disease The small radius curve in the above under the action of force The rail line geometry, the sleepers and the ballasts and other equipment change After a period of time of the train All kinds of residual deformation to further expand Lines of various diseases gradually revealed The 2.1 main diseases Is a disease of rail damage: the rail side wear, corrugation and joint damage is a common disease of the small radius curve Especially the side wear The most prominent is the damage type of sma



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