市场化_人文视野_信仰_二_生命化教育_三_省略__博友座谈会上的讲话_2007(The market _ _ faith _ two _ humanistic view of life education _ three _ ellipsis __ blog forum speech _2007).doc

市场化_人文视野_信仰_二_生命化教育_三_省略__博友座谈会上的讲话_2007(The market _ _ faith _ two _ humanistic view of life education _ three _ ellipsis __ blog forum speech _2007).doc

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市场化_人文视野_信仰_二_生命化教育_三_省略__博友座谈会上的讲话_2007(The market _ _ faith _ two _ humanistic view of life education _ three _ ellipsis __ blog forum speech _2007)

市场化_人文视野_信仰_二_生命化教育_三_省略__博友座谈会上的讲话_2007(The market _ _ faith _ two _ humanistic view of life education _ three _ ellipsis __ blog forum speech _2007) FUJIANTRIBUNE Two thousand and seven point zero eight Blessing Build the altar Humanistic view Ke Jian Huang Next I want to lead another historical perspective The above view of history to be added. This is from the Jaspers The Axial Age concept about. The Axial Age is A unique era, all times prior to this time, good Like all is in this era to the era After all times, no matter how distant future development, To finish this era, this era therefore constitutes it before and after The axis of rotation of the era. An important feature of the axial age is, Had this era have appeared in the National Post To no longer appeared characters. This figure is unprecedented, Can even say that is unprecedented, for example, India buddha, China out of Confucius, the ancient Greece Socrates, Jews A Jesus, these people are historical figures. These people in a Make sense, no matter later history to what extent, he Each of the spiritual realm are descendants of elusive The. Such as Buddhism, no religious affiliation or leader Representative of the courage to say his Dharma has exceeded the Buddha Muni, except those cult. The focus of the axial age humanities concern The same age than before it has undergone a major shift, I put This shift comes down to from destiny to state or by Fate and Tao. For example, in the ancient Greek philosophy of Socrates Before that time, the works of philosophers wrote almost all the questions This is called nature, they are at the beginning of all things is based on What。 All things all primordial philosophers are not confirmed No, all two philosophers say the origin is the same, But there is a little different, no matter what the ancient Greek pre Socratic A philosopher out to answer such a question: all things What is the origin? Primordial study of all things in many historians of Philosophy There is b



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