武汉大学电气工程学院本科学生素质综合测评实施办法(Measures for comprehensive quality evaluation of undergraduate students in Electrical Engineering College of Wuhan University).doc

武汉大学电气工程学院本科学生素质综合测评实施办法(Measures for comprehensive quality evaluation of undergraduate students in Electrical Engineering College of Wuhan University).doc

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武汉大学电气工程学院本科学生素质综合测评实施办法(Measures for comprehensive quality evaluation of undergraduate students in Electrical Engineering College of Wuhan University)

武汉大学电气工程学院本科学生素质综合测评实施办法(Measures for comprehensive quality evaluation of undergraduate students in Electrical Engineering College of Wuhan University) Wuhan University School of electrical engineering measures for the implementation of.Txt13 with earnest lost maternal love is the comprehensive evaluation of undergraduate students quality; love is a long sound earnestly exhort; love is kind of helpless smile. This paper consists of seven or eight small grains with chaos Doc document may at the WAP end of the browsing experience poor. Suggest you select TXT, or download the source file to the machine view. Wuhan University School of electrical engineering undergraduate student quality comprehensive evaluation measures for the implementation of undergraduate student quality comprehensive assessment of comprehensive evaluation of students quality implementation measures (revised in June 2010) The first chapter Article 1 General In order to fully implement the partys education policy, encourage students to strive for excellence, development expertise, innovation, lead The coordinated development of students in knowledge, ability and quality aspects, cultivating high-quality innovative talents to adapt to the requirements of the socialist modernization construction, in the framework of the implementation measures, the Wuhan University undergraduate student comprehensive assessment period, combined with the actual situation to determine the course evaluation results and practical and innovative ability of the proportion in the elastic range and adjust the evaluation index, the formulated. The second student comprehensive assessment is the performance during the determination and evaluation of school students. On the basis of the evaluation index is set to evaluate students, and guide students development goals. The third student comprehensive assessment should adhere to the fair, just and open principles, methods for quantitative evaluation and qualitative assessment, pro



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