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中国保险业发展的现状、存在的问题及对策的若干思考 作者: 添加:08/11/05 访问量:665 ??? 1980 年开始全面恢复,并且出现了难得的高速发展的势头,使众多国内外的保险业者感到惊喜。在新世纪开始之际,随着中国各项事业,特别是市场经济体制改革和社会保障制度的改革,以及中国加入世界贸易组织这一历史时间的完成,我们有理由相信,保险业在中国将有一个更好的起点。然而问题总是与发展并存。面对中国这块巨大的保险市场,中国保险业体现本土化优势的同时,也在来势汹汹的外资保险竞争对手面前不可避免地暴露出诸多缺陷和弊端。本文着重以进入 21 世纪中国保险业面临的环境为背景,总结其自身及外部环境多方原因,对中国保险业如何应对新时期的发展战略进行了研究,提出相应的对策。 关键词:中国保险业;入世;发展;对策 Abstract : After going through many years ’ twists and turns, Chinese insurance industry began to resume completely in 1980, and assumed precious situation of development at top speed, which made numerous insurance people all over the world be pleasantly surprised. At the beginning of new century, we entirely believe that insurance industry will have a good starting point in China, which is accompanied by the reform of market economy structure and society safeguard system and the finishing of historical affair that China entered WTO. But problem always follows development Chinese insurance trade forms particular profession system under the influence of certain historical reason and planned economy. Facing such a huge insurance market in China, Chinese insurance industry reflects native superiority, in the meantime expose defect and abuse in front of violent foreign capital insurance competitors. The thesis takes the surroundings Chinese insurance industry faces in 21 century for background, summarizes many aspect reasons of self and outside circumstances, research new period’s development strategies and raise relevant solutions. Key words China’s insurance industry; WTO accession; development; idea 新中国成立以来,我国保险事业几经起伏,历尽挫折困难。改革开放使保险业重获新生,风驰电彻的发展速度使保险业迅速成长为中国的朝阳行业。中国在其特殊的历史环境和政治环境下,逐渐形成了自己的一套市场及行业特征体系。 一、中国保险市场现状 1 、中国保险市场潜在需求巨大 目前,国际上在分析保险市场的发展潜力时,普遍采用两个指标,即保险深度和保险密度。据统计,一般发展中国家的保险深度为 4% ,人均保费一般超过 200 美元,发达国家如美国为 9% ,而中国目前的保险深度仅为 1.486% ,人均保费为 1.08 美元,这些数据一方面说明了中国保险业落后的现状,另一方面说明该产业在中国仍有着巨大的发展力。 2 、市场发展趋势 从世界保险业的发展看,其正在实施保险业发展的战略转移,即由非寿险业向寿险业拓展,从某种意义上讲,非寿险的保源是有限的,而寿险的保源是无


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