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加拿大简介加拿大位于北美洲北部,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,西北部邻美国阿拉斯加州,东北与格陵兰(丹)隔戴维斯海峡遥遥相望,南接美国本土,北靠北冰洋达北极圈。海岸线约长24万多公里。东部气温稍低,南部气候适中,西部气候温和湿润,北部为寒带苔原气候。Canada IntroductionCanada is in North America north, east is near the Atlantic ocean, the western Pacific, adjacent to the northwest Alaska, the northeast and Greenland (Dan) every Davis strait distantly faces, south by native American, north of the Arctic Circle on the arctic ocean. About 240000 kilometers long coastline. Eastern slightly lower temperatures, the southern moderate climate, moderate and moist climate west, the northern tundra to boreal climate.丹麦简介丹麦王国(丹麦文:KongerigetDanmark)是斯堪的纳维亚组成国家之一,位于欧洲北部日德兰半岛上及附近岛屿。南部就是德国,北部濒临大西洋、北海与波罗的海。瑞典和挪威分别位于丹麦以北及西北方向,与丹麦隔海相望。Denmark introductionDenmark kingdom (Denmark wen: KongerigetDanmark) is one of the countries of Scandinavia, is located in the northern Europe Jutland and nearby islands. South is Germany, the northern borders the Atlantic ocean, the north sea and the Baltic sea. Sweden and Norway are located north of Denmark and northwest, and Denmark facing each other across the sea.德国简介德国位于欧洲西部,东邻波兰、捷克,南接奥地利、瑞士,西接荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、法国,北与丹麦相连并邻北海和波罗的海与北欧国家隔海相望。国家政体为议会共和制。联邦总统为国家元首。Germany introductionGermany is located in Western Europe, east neighbour Poland, the Czech republic, south by Austria and Switzerland, west meets Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, north and Denmark connected and adjacent north and Baltic sea and the Nordic countries facing each other across the sea. The state government to parliament a republic. The President is head of state.俄罗斯简介俄罗斯联邦,简称俄罗斯或俄联邦,是资本主义国家,是世界上面积最大的国家,地域跨越欧亚两个大洲,与多个国家接壤。绵延的海岸线从北冰洋一直伸展到北太平洋,还包括了内陆海黑海和里海。RussiaintroductionThe Russian federation, hereinafter referred to as Russia or ELianBang, is the capitalist countries, is the worlds largest country, region across the Eurasian two continents, with many countries border. Long coastline from the arctic ocean have been stretched to the north Pacific, including the inland sea black and the Caspian sea.捷克简介捷


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