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;;第3章 跨文化管理理论和实践;一、六大价值取向理论 (克拉克洪和斯乔贝特);;3.1 克拉克洪和斯乔贝克的6大价值取向理论 (克拉克洪—斯托特贝克构架) (Kluckhohn—Strodtbeck Framework);On what aspect of time should we primarily focus-past, present or future? What is the relationship between Humanity and it s natural environment mastery, submission or harmony? How should individuals relate with others-hierarchically, as equals, or according to their individual merit? What is the prime motivation for behavior- Being, to grow, or to achieve? What is the nature of human nature-good, bad(Evil)or a mixture? Should space belong to individuals, to groups(especially the family)or to everybody?;1.对人性的判断;1.对人性的判断 ;管理上;2.与自然的关系;;目标设置为例 ;3.与他人的关系 ;;4. 人的活动取向;;;5. 关于空间的观念;;6.对时间的看法;;文学、电影和艺术作品中对时间的观念;;;;;时间线性差异;6个维度,3种取向;六个价值维度及其三种取向;;;Geert Hofstede, 1980,1991 荷兰管理学者;;Why is culture so important? ;But the unwritten rules of how we do these things differ from one human group to another.?Culture is how we call these unwritten rules about how to be a good member of the group.? Culture provides moral standards about how to be an upstanding group member; it defines the group as a moral circle. It inspires symbols,?heroes, rituals, laws, religions, taboos, and all kinds of practices - but its core is hidden in unconscious values. ;We tend to classify groups other than our own as inferior or (rarely) superior. This applies to groups based on national, religious, or ethnic boundaries, but also on occupation or academic discipline, on club membership, adored idol, or dress style. In our globalized world most of us can belong to many groups at the same time. ;;3.2郝夫斯特的文化维度理论;;文化维度理论的要点 (Dimensions of national cultures);1、个体主义与集体主义;比较;2、权力距离;比较;比较;;;3、不确定性回避;表层 美国对极限运动的热爱;;;;;4、事业成功与生活质量;5、长期——短期导向 ;;4国在5个文化维度上的量化;三、个体主义-集体主义理论(蔡安迪斯) ;1、个体对自我的定义;;;;我是一个独立的人。   我是一个友好的人。   我是一个充满智慧的人。   我是一个乐于助人的人。   我是一个大方的人。   我是一个喜欢忙个不停的人 ;;个体性答案: ;社会性答案;研究表明;1. 对自己行为的态度;1. 对自己行为的负责态度;1) 独立自我的个体;2) 互赖自我定义的个体;2. 对自己是否应该与众不同所持的态度;迪斯尼多部动画片表现此主题;2. 对自己是否应该与众不同所持的态


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