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服装生产线单件流实施方案探讨 —以卓尚服饰(杭州)有限公司为例 摘 要 对于大规模制造型企业来说,生产是承载整个企业的实体,是制造型企业管理的核心内容,是全面提高企业素质和竞争力的基础,能否实施有效的生产模式,亦成为企业竞争力的关键因素之一,所以生产模式的实施与改善越来越受到国内外企业的重视。生产的整个流程中注重全员参与、不间断参与,注重日常工作流程的不断改进和完善。它是通过对流水线中的各种问题的及时发现,及时分析解决,以达到提高效率,降低成本,保证和提高质量,改善工作环境,最终提高生产效率、降低生产成本、赢得市场的目的。 本文针对卓尚服饰(杭州)有限公司服装生产线单件流进行了剖析,用先进的理念、科学的方法对服装企业进行流水线生产管理的调研,在调查研究的基础上,经过分析和研究,提出了通过生产现场单件流生产、标准化流程管理、服装GST的引入、以及持续改进的运用来改善,提高生产效率、降低生产成本,解决目前所面临的生产效率问题,提升企业竞争能力。在清晰而透彻的流水线持续改善理论阐述的基础上,全方位展示了公司所开展的各项具体工作和取得的实际成效,促进企业跟上行业全球化时代的发展步伐。 关键词:流水线管理、单件流、标准化管理、持续改进 ABSTRACT For large-scale manufacturing enterprises, the production site is the bearer of the entities across the enterprise, is to create the core of enterprise content management is to improve the quality and competitiveness of enterprises of the foundation, whether the production of effective site management, has become competitiveness of enterprises one of the key factors, so the site management and to improve more and more attention to domestic and foreign enterprises. The scene to improve to focus on full participate, full-time participation, focus on continuous improvement of their daily work and improve. It is through on-site in the timely detection of problems and timely analysis of solution in order to achieve greater efficiency and lower costs, improve quality assurance and to improve the working environment, and ultimately enhance their effectiveness, with the aim to win. In this paper, Excellent Fashion Garments Co., Ltd. Hangzhou production analyzed at the scene, the idea of using advanced scientific methods of management of garment enterprises in the basis of investigation and study, through analysis and research through the production lines operating at the scene , standardized management, visual management and the use of fashion general sewing time to improve management, increase productivity, resolve the current problems faced by enterprises to enhance competitiveness. In a clear and thorough on-site to improve the theory based on the pa



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