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【留学生如何找工作】高盛前面试官透露7条高难度投行面试题的“完美答案”投行招聘官问应届生的高难度面试问题包括什么?下面是一些高难度投行面试问题集锦,还有行内专家们提供的一些理想的回答—这些专家包括Peter Harrison,高盛前任银行家,现管理Harrison Careers 以及Marc Hatz ,前高盛和普望的并购重组负责人,现帮助毕业生进入投行行业;还有职业培训师Roy Cohen,The Wall Street Professional’s Survival Guide的作者。1Do you know how to perform a LBO analysis?Marc Hatz:“以下是简短的答法。”“股本回报率(IRR or cash on cash multiples)是基于投资者的注入和退出的股权价值计算的。所以要计算杠杆收购( LBO)的回报,你要找出投资者在退出时的股权价值预算:? 你已经知道投资者初始注入该公司以换取股权的金额。现在,退出时股权价值(假设退出发生在第5年)简单地说就是公司的股票销售价格(比如说,采用10* LTM EBITDA ),减去Net Debt。在此例子里, 10* 是公司出售的价格。第5年的EBITDA来自该公司的损益预测表(管理层/投资者的预测)。第5年的Net Debt是第5年的债务减去第5年现金收入,第5年的债务是最初的债务加上增加的债务(通常为0)减去在投资期内偿还的债务,反映在你的债务时间表(假设有摊销的部分,由于现金流(cash flow )可以偿还本金,债务余额逐渐每年递减)。该公司退出时的现金余额是基于整个投资(每年CFS的底线)初始现金余额加上投资期内产生的现金流。内部收益率(IRR )计算公式为(投资者的退出时股权价值/投资人的买入时股权价值)^(1/n)-1。现金投资回报率(cash on cash)的公式是(投资者的退出时股权价值/投资人的进入时股权价值)。”英文可以这样回答:“Equity returns (IRR orcash on cash multiples) are calculated based on the investor’s entry and exitequity values. So to calculate an LBO return, you want to find out theinvestor’s projected equity value at exit: the investor entry equity value youalready know (it is the equity amount the investor is injecting to acquire thecompany).Now, equity value at exit (we will assume exit happens in year 5) simply is thecompany’s selling price (say, 10x LTM EBITDA), minus net debt. In our example,10x is the price at which the company is sold. EBITDA in year 5 comes from thecompany’s income statement projections (management / investor projections). Netdebt in year 5 is debt in year 5 minus cash in year 5. Debt in year 5 is debt at entry plus debt increases (typically 0) minus debt repayments over theinvestment period, as reflected in your debt schedule (assuming an amortizingtranche, the debt balance gradually reduces along the years as cash flow coversprincipal repayments). The company’s cash balance at exit is based on initialcash balance plus cash flows generated over the term of the investment (thebottom line in your CFS every year).And the IRR for



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