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! 130! M ODERN ONCOLOGY, an2011, VOI19, NO01
1 1 2
杨 滨 , 姜 囡, 杨 帆
The detection and association ofHPV in serum and pelvic lym ph nodes derived from pa
tients w ith cervical carcinom a
1 1 2
YANG B in , IANG N an , YANG Fan
1 2
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shengj ing H osp ital, Ch inaM edical University, Shenyang 110004, Ch ina; D epartment of Ob
stetrics and Gynecology, B eijing eng taiH osp ital, B eijing 100070, China.
Abstract Objective: T o inv estig ate the assoc iations and clin ical significance of hum an papillom av irus ( HPV )
DNA and H PV subtypes in pr mi ary lesions, serum and paraffin embedded pelv ic lym ph nodes of cerv ical carc inom a.
Methods: S ix teen prmi ary tumors, per ipheral b lood and paraffin embedded pelv ic lym ph nodes were collected from
patients w ith cerv ical carc inom a who underw ent radical hysterectom y and pelv ic lym ph nodes dissections. PCR w as
em ployed to exam ine H PV DNA and subtypes in the above specmi ens. Results: Among the 16 pr mi ary tum ors and
serum , w e detected 8 HPV DNA po sitive sam ples ( 8 / 16, 50% ) . 13 of 16 ( 13 / 16, 81. 25% ) paraffin em bedded
pelv ic lym ph nodes w ere show ed HPV DNA positive, 60 lym ph nodes w ere po sitive am ong the total 133 ex cisional
lym ph nodes ( 60 /133, 45. 1% ), and the subtypes were alm ost identical w ith that in the ir corresponding pr mi ary
tum ors. Rem arkab ly, we found that in em bedded pelv ic lym ph nodes w as h igher 45. 1% ( 60 / 133) than the lymph
node m etastasis rate detected by patholog ical d iagnos is1. 5% ( 2 /133). Notab ly, 6 patients( 6 / 16, 3
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