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Engagement face
No sharp edge
Earthing pin and optional construction
for the contact pins
Figure 7 – 2 poles with earthing contact (for class I equipment) 10A, 250V~
1 See key page 12
2 The sketches are not intended to govern design, except as regards the dimensions shown
3 Plugs can be rewirable or non-rewirable
Key of page 12:
1– The earthing terminal shall be indicated by the symbol .
Indication of the other terminals is optional.
The indications shall be placed inside the body near the terminals.
There is no need to mark the terminals of non-rewirable types
2– The distance between the engagement face and the cord or cord guard, if any,
shall be at least 14 mm
Compliance is checked by means of the acceptance gauge (under consideration)
3– Within this distance, the outline shall be not smaller than the engagement face.
4– Within this distance, the outline shall be not larger than the engagement face.
5– Insulating sleeves on the current-carrying pins are optional
If the insulating sleeves are separate parts, they shall enter the plug by at least
3mm measured from the engagement face.
6– The external diameter of the insulating sleeves shall not be larger than the
diameter of the uninsulated part of the pins.
7– To avoid damage to shutters, the ends of the pins shall show neither sharp
edges nor burrs. They shal l be of rounded shape as shown.
8– The angle of 90° represents the maximum permissible area for the orientation of
the entry of the flexible cable or cord.
Engagement face
No sharp edge
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