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题 目: WH212减速器箱体加工工艺
学 院: 机电工程学院
专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化
学 号:
职 称: 教授
题目类型: (理论研究 (实验研究 (工程设计 (工程技术研究 (软件开发
2012年 5 月 27 日
摘 要
Main target of this graduation project is WH212 gear case. There are two parts in the main design task: first design the reduction case planning process; the other is dedicated fixture design for part of the process steps. In the process planning programming, structural analysis should be the first; this section includes technical requirements and stock materials. After these preconditions determined, we should determine the rough form of manufacturing combine part of the material, production quantity and the actual production, and then second select the processing benchmarking process route.Finally, calculation and determination the allowance, process size, and cutting parameters.It need the designer have enough ability to design proper mechanical process and assembling process.
During the special fixture design, first select the positioning method, reference the before and after processing characteristics, followed is the clamping method, and finally are cutting clamping force calculation and error analysis .There it need to design two fixtures,fixture for boring and fixture for drilling. With reference the fixture atlas to choose a clamping project, and transfer fixture component from the component library, look up to find the standard size, or to design.
All of work concentrative reflect in process card and fixture installation?diameter, especially in make a process card, it need maching in a process picture of each step and chooses
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