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毕业设计(论文) 基于51单片机的硬件加密锁的设计与实现 摘 要 单片机是把主要计算机功能部件都集成在一块芯片上的微型计算机。单片机即单片微型计算机(Single-Chip Microcomputer ),是集CPU ,RAM ,ROM ,定时,计数和多种接口于一体的微控制器。其中51单片机是各种单片机中最为典型和最有代表性的一种,广泛应用于各个领域。 本课题选择为核心控制元件,设计了一个日常生活中用到的系统。该系统是由单片机系统及组成。使用单片机汇编语言进行编程,本论文主要介绍了的软、硬件部分的设计,以及在设计、调试过程中遇到的问题及解决方案。经过实践证明,本课题设计的系统结构简单,造价成本低,功能完全,具有很强的实用性。 Abstract The single slice machine is the microcomputer which all integrates main calculator function partses on a piece of chip.Single slice machine namely single slice microcomputer(the Microcomputer of the Single-Chip), gather CPU, RAM, ROM, count to connect in the tiny controller of integral whole with variety in fixed time.Among them 51 single slice machines is various single slice machine in is a typical model most and have representative 1 kind most , extensively applied in each realm. This topic choice MCS-51 single slice machine is a core control component, designed a daily life convenient arrive of the hardware encrypt lock system.That system constitutes to°from single slice machine system and MAX232.Using the single slice machine edits collected materials language to carry on weaving a distance, the function which carries out hardware to encrypt a lock originally the thesis mainly introduced hardware to encrypt to lock of soft, the design of hardware part, and meet in the design, adjust try the process of the problem and the solution.Pass by to practice a certificate, the systems structure of[with] this topic design simple, stabilize, build price cost low, function complete, have very strong function. Keywords Single Chip Computer 805151 The hardware encrypts lock system MAX232 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第1章绪论 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.1.1 课题的国内外现状 1 1.1.2 课题的发展趋势 3 1.1.3 本文研究的主要内容 7 1.2 本章小结 7 第2章总体方案与论证 5 2.1 8051单片机 5 2.1.1 8051的介绍 5 2.2 本章小结 11 第3章硬件电路设计 11 3.1 设计部分 11 3.1.1 硬件部分 11 3.4本章小结 17 第4章软件电路设计 19 4.1程序框图 19 4.1.1软件系统中的主程序流程图 19 4.1.2软件电路设计 20 4.2 系统调试 20 4.3 测试过程 21 4.4本章小结 21 结 论 23 参考文献 24 附录1 25 附录2 31 附录3 34 附录4 47 致谢 1 第1章绪论 课


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