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本科生毕业论文 基于单片机的病房呼叫系统 摘 要 病房呼叫系统是住院病人及其家属在需要医务人员帮助时,请求值班护士进行护理的重要呼叫工具,它主要用于协助医院里的病人在病床上方便地呼叫值班人员,可以快速的将病人的请求传送给值班人员,是提高医院的病房护理水平的必备设备之一。随着社会节奏的不断加快,医院行业的竞争越来越激烈,对经济效益的追逐成为很多私立医院的生存第一要位,提升服务水平和服务质量迫在眉睫,陪护问题一直是医患矛盾的主要体现,也是长期以来困扰广大医务服务者的大问题,使用病房呼叫系统,方便患者迅速而快捷的找到医生,以节约患者的珍贵时间 系统的核心是at89c51单片机。还有其它辅助硬件电路,矩阵键盘、LED显示电路.地址锁存器以及译码器等。个个房间的病人要呼叫护士可以按自己床边的按键,此时值班室会有蜂鸣器响,相应的指示灯亮,并且在值班室的数码管上显示床位号。信号通过矩阵键盘进行输入,在用高级语言编写程序时,对键盘信号的获取非常重要。 在本篇论文之中每个病房的病床旁都有一个呼叫按钮,当患者有需要医务人员帮助时,按下呼叫键,此时 值班室的显示屏可显示此患者的床位号,多人使用时可以根据病人是否是重症病床而产生优先级别,医护人员按下“响应”键取消当前呼叫。 关键词:AT89C51;矩阵键盘;LED;病床呼叫;蜂鸣器 Abstract Ward call system inpatient request the duty doctor or nurse care emergency call communication tools, it is mainly used to assist patients in hospitals to easily call the duty officer in the bed, the patients request sent to the staff on duty, necessary equipment to improve the level of hospital ward care. With the accelerating pace of social, increasingly fierce competition in the hospital industry, the pursuit of money to the survival of many private hospitals first, improve service levels and quality of service is imminent accompany the issue has been the main manifestation of the doctor-patient conflicts , is also a big problem has long plagued the majority of medical services, ward call system to facilitate the quick and fast patients to find a doctor to save the patients precious time The core of the system is the AT89C51 microcontroller. As well as other auxiliary hardware circuit, matrix keyboard, LED display circuit address latch and decoder. Patients in all the room you want to call the nurse by his bedside button, the duty room will be the buzzer sounds, the corresponding indicator light, and the number of beds in the duty room of the digital tube display. Matrix keyboard input signal, which is the key to programming. In this design, each bed has a button, when patients are in urgent need, press the button, the display of the duty room to display the patients bed number, people can use is based


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