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摘要Struts、jsp、java、Mysql、Tomcat Abstract Along with the Internet technologys development, more and more transaction activities carries on the network, on-line shopping already became one fashion. In view of the fact that this we have developed on-line books order system in view of the books on-line transaction. This system by pages way to the customer demonstrated that on-line book city the books, and need the customer registration for on-line book city member, provides the shopping and the message function for the member. When shopping provides the shopping cart and the order form function for the customer; The tourist has the clear cable commodity and the clear cable message centers function. Provides for the website manager to each sector management function. This system uses eclipse to take the development kit, in the pattern is based on the B/S pattern, the whole uses the MVC frame, realizes the language by cross platform language java as the underlying bed code. The M(model) level uses the Hibernate technology to visit the database, what database use is the MySql database; The C(controller) level mainly realizes with the struts technology; But uses jsp to realize the V(view) level contact surface design; Uses Tomact to take this system Server end server. key word: Snow territory book city, Hibernate, Struts, jsp, java, Mysql 目录 摘要 1 2 1 绪论 5 2 开发环境和开发工具简介 6 2.1 eclipse概述 : 6 eclipse项目简介: 6 2.2 java语言简介 6 2.2.1 Java语言特性 6 2.2.2丰富的类库 6 7 2.4.1 JSP的技术原理 7 7 3.1 Hibernate概述: 7 (1)持久化与关系数据库 7 (2) 对象/关系阻抗不匹配 8 (3) 阻抗不匹配的几个典型方面 8 (4) 对象/关系映射 8 8 3.2.1 struts整体框架: 8 3.2.2 struts工作原理: 9 9 4.1 系统主要功能详细描述 9 4.2 系统角色及其功能分析 10 4.3 系统功能模块设计 10 11 4.1系统用例图: 14 4.1.1 用户用例图: 14 4.2 DB层设计: 15 4.1.2 各类E-R图: 15 图2.3.6 18 21 5.3 SERVICE层设计 21 5.4 WEB层设计 22 6 系统详细设计 23 6.1 前台部分 23 6.1.1 前台总体框架 23 使用Hibernate连接数据库: 24 部分数据库表的结构设计: 25 部分数据库建表语句: 25 6.1.2 用户管理模块 32 6.1.3 修改密码: 33 6.1.4 购物车 34 6.1.6 留言板模块 38 42 8 参考文献 42 9 附录一 中英文对照文献 44 1 绪论 互联网的浪潮席


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