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学 位 论 文 题 目 磁集成电感的交错并联boost变换器研究与设计英 文 Research and Design of Interleaved Boost 题 目 based on Coupling Inductor 摘要 电力电子变换器在新能源发电了重要的地位,也提出了越来越高的要求,向着小型化、集成化、高效性高功率密度方向发展,技术是的背景下提出发展起来的,的重要发展趋势耦合的磁集成电感在kW交错并联boost变换器中的应用进行了深入研究,其在稳态纹波及变换器瞬态响应的贡献主要内容如下: 课题了两相交错并联boost变换器结构不同占空比下分析了工作机理,电流纹波及输入电流纹波分析进行了主电路参数设计,包括选型及电感参数计算 在分立电感的交错并联boost变换器基础上对耦合磁集成电感boost变换器进行了研究其工作原理得出等效电感模型,电感电流纹波及输入电流纹波表达式,开关网络法对变换器行了小信号建模,MATLAB中仿真对比两种结构系统阶跃响应,研究电感结构对其性能的影响损耗分析,借助Maxwell 2D进行了辅助设计。磁集成电感交错并联boost样机设计与制作。 2D仿真进行参数设计,参数要求的磁集成电感设计与制作并进行自感、、耦合等的测量设计,包括电流采样电路通讯电路并进行软件总体设计。 ,saber中系统,并在实验样机上进行了及效率等的测试测试结果表明结构于分立电感在稳态还是瞬态速度方面都有了提升并且体积大大变小,了目标密度,,,响应Abstract Power electronic converter occupies the important position in the new energy power generation, is higher and higher demands are proposed on it, step by step toward miniaturization, integration, development direction, such as high efficiency, high power density, magnetic integration technology is put forward in the background and development, is the important development trend of the power electronic converter.In this paper, the reverse coupling of magnetic integrated inductance in the application of 10 kw staggered parallel boost converter were studied, including its in reducing steady-state current ripple and improve the contribution of converter on the transient response.The main research content is as follows: Designed based on the requirement of subject two interleaved boost converter in parallel system structure.Under different duty cycles are analyzed in detail its working principle, calculation of the inductor current ripple and input current ripple.According to circuit analysis to design the main circuit parameters, including the selection of switch tube and inductance parameters are calculated. In discrete inductance staggered parallel boost converter, based on the integration of magnetic inductance staggered parallel boost converter are analyzed.Through study the working principle


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