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SPECIFICATIONS IEEE 802.11 b/g/n 2.4GHz 2T2R Wi-Fi 2T2R Module WL-UW185EN-5372 Version 1.0 1. Overview The UW185EN is a highly integrated MAC/BBP and 2.4 GHz RF/PA/LNA single modul which supports a 300 Mbps PHY rate. It fully complies with IEEE 802.11n and IEEE 802.11 b/g standards, offering feature-rich wireless connectivity at a high standard,and delivering reliable, cost-effective throughput from an extended distance.Optimized RF architecture and baseband algorithms provide superb performance and low power consumption. Intelligent MAC design deploys a highly efficient DMA engine and hardware data processing accelerators without overloading the host processor.The UW185EN is designed to support standard-based features in the areas of security, quality of service and international regulations, giving end users the greatest performance anytime and in any circumstance. 2. Features CMOS Technology with an integrated PA, LNA, RF, Baseband, and MAC 2T2R Mode with support for a 300 Mbps Tx/Rx PHY Rate Legacy and High Throughput Modes 20 MHz/40 MHz Bandwidth Reverse Direction Grant Data Flow and Frame Aggregation WEP 64/128, WPA, WPA2, TKIP, AES, WAPI QoS-WMM, WMM-PS Multiple BSSID Support WPS/ WPS2.0: PIN, PBC USB 2.0 Cisco CCX Support Bluetooth Co-existence Low Power with Advanced Power Management Operating Systems: Windows XP 32/64, 2000, Windows 7 32/64, Vista 32/64, Linux, Macintosh 3. Applications USB 2.0 Wi-Fi Dongles IEEE 802.11 b/g/n wireless LANs 4. General Specification Model WL-UW185EN-5372-V1.0 Product Name WLAN 11n USB module MajorChipset MT5372 (MTK/Ralink)


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