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Gekusanhuang Dan 可为丸或煎取汁,适宜湿温等温热病,是通利泄邪与清热解毒、燥湿化浊并用之剂。 The formula can be made into pills or decocted. It is suitable for treating warm heat diseases, e.g. dampness heat disease. It can eliminate heat-evil by purgation, clear heat and remove toxicity, dry dampness and transform turbidity. 在继承朱老经验的基础上,形成了独特的学术思想。 On the basis of the clinical experiences inherited from TCM Master Zhu, we developed a unique academic ideas. 六经、卫气营血及三焦统一的辨证体系为基础的三维辨证 (病期、病位、病性) A three dimensional syndrome differentiation system (the stage, the location, and the nature of the disease) based on the unified syndrome differentiation of the six meridians, defensive qi and blood, and Triple Energizer 从风立论,创立疏风解表方 (荆芥、防风、白芷、川芎、羌活、柴胡、甘草) To create the formula of expelling wind to resolve the exterior, based on the “wind” theory (jingjie, fangfeng, baizhi, chuanxiong, qianghuo, chaihu,gancao) 散寒解表、疏风解肌 Dispelling cold and relieving exterior, Dispelling wind to relief muscle 麻杏石甘汤、升降散为主方治疗卫气同病,邪在脏腑的实热症,疗效甚著。 Taking Maxingshigan Tang and Shengjiang San as the principal formula to treat the disease of both defensive phase and qi phase, and the excess heat with the pathogenic factor located in zang-fu organs. They have achieved a good therapeutic effect. 重视养阴生津、顾护胃气 Attaching attention to “nourishing yin and generating body fluid and reinforcing and protecting the stomach-qi” 全蝎、蜈蚣、蝉衣、僵蚕等虫类药的应用 The application of insect drugs, e.g. scorpion, centipede, cicada shell 、stiff silkworm, etc. 中药新剂型的研制与发展为中药治疗外感热病提供了更大的优势 The research and development of new formula forms of Chinese medicine will provide a greater advantage in treating external-contraction febrile disease. 据统计,已广泛用于临床的中药制剂(针剂、颗粒剂等)达40余种 According to the statistics, there are more than 40 kinds of Traditional Chinese Medicine preparations (injection, granular formulation, etc.) have been widely used in the clinic. different kinds of TCM preparations 倪某,女,59岁。1977年1月27日来诊:近三天来头痛、肢体痛楚,形寒发热,微汗不畅,鼻塞呛咳,口干欲饮,呼吸较促,便难,苔薄黄,脉浮数。T 39.6℃。听
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