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关于权利例外和限制的调查问卷 Questionnaire on Exceptions and Limitations to Patent Rights The answers to this questionnaire have been provided on behalf of: Country: 中华人民共和国 Office: 中华人民共和国国家知识产权局 Person to be contacted: Name: Title: E-mail: Telephone: Facsimile: 第一部分:一般性信息 [Section I: General] 本部分意在了解各局所适用的法律中关于专利权的例外和限制的规定的一般情 况。为本调查问卷的目的,“所适用的法律”是指国家法和区域适用的成文法及 判例法。 [This section is intended to obtain general information on exceptions and limitations to patent rights that are provided under the applicable laws. For the purpose of this questionnaire, the term “applicable law” refers to relevant national and regional statutory law and, where applicable, case law.] 调查问卷中使用的术语取其一般的含意,意在涵盖所用的每个概念的广义解释, 各局所适用法律中关于例外和限制的准确用词有可能不同。对于各种限制和例外 的更为详细的解释可参见以下文件:SCP/13/3,SCP/15/3 和 CDIP/5/4。 [The terms used in the questionnaire are drafted in a general way aiming at providing a broad understanding of each concept used, assuming that the exact wording of these exceptions and limitations might differ under the applicable laws. More detailed explanations of the various exceptions and limitations may be found in the following documents: SCP/13/3, SCP/15/3 and CDIP/5/4.] 1.作为本调查问卷涉及的专利例外和限制的背景,一项发明可以被授予专利权的 法律标准是什么?如果专利性标准因技术领域不同而有差异,请举例解释。请说 明法律渊源(成文法、判例法),指出有关规定和/或概述有关判决。 [1. As background for the exceptions and limitations to patents investigated in this questionnaire, what is the legal standard used to determine whether an invention is patentable? If the standard for patentability includes provisions that vary according to the technology involved, please include examples of how the standard has been interpreted, if available. Please indicate the source of law (statutory and-or case law) by providing the relevant provisions and/or a brief summary of the relevant decisions.] 根据中国专利法的规定,一项发明被授予专利权应当具备新颖性、创造性和 实用性。专利性标准


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