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1236 中国药事 2015 年 12 月 第 29 卷 第 12 期 四川省民族药质量标准现状调研及分析 周娟,伍丕娥,姜卫东,刘繁红 (四川省食品药品检验检测院,成都 610097) 摘要 目的: 了解四川省民族药制剂品种情况及藏区习用民族药材(饮片)标准现状。方法:收集整理 文献资料,实地考察走访,整理调研结果(表格),核实完善数据,并对相关资料与数据作综合分析。 结果与结论:基本掌握了四川省藏区生产企业与医疗机构民族药制剂品种数及标准现状。制剂品种中部 分药材(饮片)无标准;存在同物异名、同名异物现象;医疗机构制剂品种质量标准控制内容缺失较多,, 可控性较差。 关键词: 四川省;民族药;质量标准现状 中图分类号:R284 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1002-7777(2015)12-1236-09 doi:10.16153/j.1002-7777.2015.12.002 Investigation and Analysis of Current Situation of Ethnic Medicine Quality Standard of Sichuan Province Zhou Juan, Wu Pi’e, Jiang Weidong, Liu Fanhong (Sichuan Institute for Food and Drug Control, Chengdu 610097, China) Abstract Objective: To understand the preparation varieties of ethnic medicine in Sichuan Province and the current standards of conventional national medicinal materials (pieces) in Tibetan areas in the province. Methods: The research included collection of literature materials, on-the-spot investigation and visit, collection of the investigation results (tables), complement, perfection and verification of data, as well as comprehensive analysis of literature materials and relevant data. Results and Conclusion: The research basically grasped the current preparation variety number and standards of ethnodrugs from production enterprises and medical institutions in Tibetan areas in Sichuan Province. There existed phenomena such as no standards for certain medicinal herbs (pieces) in the preparation variety, as well as inversion, synonym and homonym. It was also found that the quality standard control of preparation variety from medical institutions missed a lot of contents and the controllability was poor. Keywords: Sichuan province; ethnic medicine; current status of quality standard 为全面了解全国民族地区民族药质量标准的基 品检验检测院承担了四川省民族药材、饮片、成药 本情况、深化对民族药质量标准及民族药对照物质 制剂、医疗机构制剂等质量标准的调研、汇总及分 的研究、加强民族药科研队伍的建设与信息交流、


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