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第 26卷 第 4期 地 震 工 程 与 工 程 振 动 Vol. 26, No. 4 2006年 8月 EARTHQUAKE ENG INEERING AND ENG INEER ING VIBRATION Aug. 2006 : 1000-1301( 2006) 04- 0239- 0 祁 皑, 林云腾, 郑国琛 (福州大学土木建筑工程学院, 福建福州 3 0002 ) : 本文建立了层间隔震结构动力分析模型, 对层间隔震结构地震反应的主要影响系数进行了分 析。结果表明: 在一定的频率比范围内, 当隔震层的位置较高时, 隔震结构下部位移和上部加速度均 显著减小, 表现出与TMD相似的工作机理; 当隔震层的位置较低时, 隔震结构下部位移和上部加速度 均变化不明显, 其工作机理与基础隔震相似。隔震层的阻尼比对层间隔震结构的减震效果也有较大 影响, 阻尼比越大, 减震效果越好。 : 层间隔震; 质量比; 阻尼比; 频率比; 刚度比; 减震效果 : P31 . 966 : A Research on work ing m echan ism of story isolation structure Q iA i, L in Yunteng, Zheng Guochen ( College of CivilEngineering and Architectures, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 3 0002, China) Abs tract: In th is paper, the dynam ical analysis model of story isolation structures are established. M ain influential parameters of story isolation structures are theoretically investigated. Resu lts indicate thatw ith in the scope of certain frequency ratio, infrastructure displacement and superstructure acceleration of the isolation layer both sign ificantly reduce, w hen the location of isolation layers is approach to the roof of the structure. Itsm echanism is smi ilar to that of TMD and there is no obvious change betw een infrastructure d isplacement and superstructure acceleration, when the location of the isolation layer is approach to the base of the structure. Its mechan ism is smi ilar to that of base isolation. D amp ing ratio of isolation layer greatly influences the isolating effect. When the damp ing ratio increases, the isolating effect is better. K ey w ord s: story isolation; mass ratio; damp ratio; frequency ratio; st


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