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福建农业学报 14( 3) : 38 ~42, 1999 : 1008- 0384( 1999) 03- 0038- 05 F uj ian J our nal of A g r icult ur al S ciences 李雪萍, 庞学群, 张昭其, 季作梁 ( , 510642) : 50 mg L- 1 ( SA) + 2% 300 mg L- 1 8- ( 8- ) + 2% , , : 8- HQC SA SA HQC , , , , , , 3 ; 8- , d HQC SA : ; ; ; 8- : S 685. 120. 1 : A Preserv at ion effects of salicylid acid on cut roses - , - , - , - LI Xue ing PANG Xue qun ZHANG Zhao qi JI Zuo liang (D ep artment of H or t icultur e , South Ch ina A g r icultur al Univ er sity , Guang z hou510642) : (50 - 1 + 2% ) Abst ract The reserving effect of SA m g L SA sucrose on cut rose was investigat ed in contrast to the effect of 8-HQC ( 300 mg L- 1 8-HQC+ 2% sucrose ) .The results showed that the reserving effect s of SA treatment was similar to that of 8-HQC treatment. Com ared w ith deionized w ater t reat ment , the two reservatives significantly decreased the res iration rate, allevi- ated t he moisture stress and the m em brane injure, im roved the decorative quality of cut flow er in - 3 . vasing duration and lengthened t he holding vase life for days SA treat ment made the cut roses more colorful and ornament al t han that 8-HQC treatment. Key words: Cut rose; Preservation mechanism; Salicylic acid ( SA) ; 8-hydroxyquinoline citrate ( 8-HQC) , , , , , , , , [ 1] 8- ( 8-HQC) + 2%


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