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基于FPGA的交通灯设计 摘 要 EDA工具对于电子设计人员来说极其重要,它可以在电子设计的各个阶段、层次进行计算机模拟验证,确保设计的准确性,可缩短设计周期,降低设计成本。本文介绍的是数字信号交通灯,利用EDA设计工具,采用VHDL语言开发设计,并通过FPGA(即现场可编程门阵列)芯片设计来实现系统控制功能。 数字信号交通灯可以实现十字路口红绿灯的自动控制。基于FPGA的交通灯设计系统具有可靠性强、实时快速擦写、运算速度高、故障率低、电路简单,且体积小的特点。本毕业设计采用的是Altera公司CycloneII系列的EP2C5T144芯片作为核心最小系统,它可以方便嵌入到实际的交通灯应用系统中,可以完成简单的逻辑控制、数据采集、信号处理、数学计算等功能;使用QuartusII软件作为开发平台;采用自顶向下的设计思路对系统进行模块化设计和综合,并通过波形仿真和硬件实现两种方式实现并验证数字信号交通灯的功能。 关键词 VHDL,交通灯,EDA ABSTRACT EDA tools is extremely important to electronic designers, to ensure the accuracy of the design ,it can verify computer simulations in all stages and levels of electronic design ,it can also shorten the design cycle and reduce design costs .This article describes a digital signal traffic lights ,using EDA design tools ,and VHDL ,and FPGA(the Field Programmable Gate Arrays),through the chip to design system control functions. Digital signal traffic light traffic lights can achieve automatic control of the crossroads .The design of FPGA-based traffic light system has a lot of features ,such as high reliability ,real-time quick erase ,high-speed operation, lower rate of fault, simple circuit and small volume. During this graduation project, I take the Altera Corporation CycloneII series EP2C5T144 chip as the minimum system core, it can be easily embedded in the actual application of the traffic light system, it can do simple logic control, data acquisition, signal processing, mathematical calculations and other functions;using QuartusII as development platform; using top-down design ideas to system modular design and synthesis, and through waveform simulation and hardware implementation two ways to complete and verify the function of digital signal traffic lights. Key Words:VHDL, Traffic light, EDA 目 录 绪论 1 1 简述EDA 3 1.1 EDA技术及其发展 3 1.2 EDA技术的优势 3 2 FPGA概述 7 2.1 FPGA的简介 7 2.2 FPGA设计交通灯的意义 7 3 硬件描述语言VHDL 9 4 QuartusII软件 10 4.1 QuartusII简介 10 4.2 基于QuartusII的设计流程 10 5 系统设计与仿真 12 5.1 系统介绍 12 5.1.1 设计任务 12 5.1.2 设计要求 13 5.2 系


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