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学 位 论 文 复方紫草油纱条促进肛裂术后创面愈合的临床疗效观察 Compound Arnebia Root oil gauze in promoting healing of wound after operation for anal fissure clinical curative effect observation 邓长华 指导教师姓名:张锋副主任医师 申请学位级别:硕士 专 业 名 称:中医外科学(肛肠方向) 论文提交时间:2012年4月 论文答辩时间:2012年5月 二○一二年四月 中文摘要 目的:观察复方紫草油纱条促进肛裂术后创面愈合的临床疗效。 方法:选择成都中医药大学附属医院肛肠科住院病人中2011年5月份~2011年12月份行肛裂切除并同一位置内括约肌松解术患者共70例,随机分成2组,其中治疗组病例35例,采用紫草油纱条换药;对照组病例35例,则采用凡士林油纱条换药。并于换药时分别观察和记录患者术后第1天的切口面积大小和第7、14、21、28、35天切口肉芽生长情况,观察记录切口愈合时间。 结果:通过对这70例患者收集的数据进行分析,发现所有病例全部治愈;用统计学方法处理发现,用药第6天后两组病例在肉芽生长情况、创面水肿、创面愈合速度等方面两组存在显著性差异,治疗组的临床疗效明显优于对照组。 结论:复方紫草油纱条具有清热除湿、消肿止痛、凉血止血、活血化瘀、去腐生肌等功效,能明显加快创面愈合速度,缩短切口愈合时间,促进患者切口愈合。在肛裂切除并同一位置内括约肌松解术后换药中,其疗效优于凡士林砂条。 关键词:肛裂术后;复方紫草油纱;临床疗效 Abstract Objective: In order to observe the compound Arnebia Root oil gauze in anal fissure postoperative wound healing in rats. Methods: Selection of the Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2011May ~2011December anorectal line fissure excision and the same position of internal sphincter released patients with a total of 70 patients, divided into 2 groups randomly,35 cases in the treatment group, using Arnebia Root oil gauze; the control group of 35 cases, use the XXXaseline oil gauze. And in dressing change were observed and recorded in first days after the incision size and seventh,14,21,28,35 days to cut the growth of granulation tissues were observed and recorded,healing time. Results: Through the analysis of data on 70 patients, all the patients cured, with statistics method was found after treatment of sixth days, two cases in the growth of granulation tissues, wound healing, there is a significant difference between the two groups, the treatment group was superior to control group. Conclusion: Arnebia Root oil gauze with heat dehumidification, cooling blood to stop bleeding, swelling and pain, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, removing necrotic tis


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