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唐 山 学 院 毕 业 设 计 设计题目:ZL50装载机工作装置设计 系 别: 机电工程系 班 级: 11机本1班 姓   名: 指 导 教 师: 2015 年 5 月 20 日 ZL50装载机工作装置设计 摘 要 轮式装载机是以轮胎式拖拉机为基础车体,加装铲斗作为工作装置的一种土方工程机械。装载机的工作装置由铲斗、连杆、摇臂、动臂、转斗油缸、举升油缸组成。装载机工作装置的合理性直接影响装载机的生产效率、工作负荷、动力与运动特性等。 本文参阅了大量装载机设计的参考书,选择反转六连杆机构作为所设计的装载机的工作装置的结构。根据任务书中的要求,利用经验公式计算确定铲斗的结构参数,利用图解法确定动臂与铲斗、动臂与摇臂、动臂与机架、连杆与铲斗、连杆与摇臂等各个铰接点的位置,并对铲斗的几种典型工况的受力情况进行了详细分析,对工作装置的主要部件进行强度校核。最后利用AutoCAD对装载机工作装置的各零部件的结构参数进行详细的结构设计,并应用SolidWorks软件对轮式装载机工作装置整体进行了三维建模设计,立体形象得展示和表达了各部分设计的装配关系。 关键词:装载机; 机械化; 工作装置 The loader working device design of ZL50 Abstract Wheel loader is a tyre tractor based body, equipped with bucket as an earthmoving work device. The working device of loader bucket, by connecting rod, rocker arm, cylinder, lifting cylinder. The rationality of the loader working device directly influences the production efficiency, working load, power and motion characteristic of the loader.. In this paper, a reference book for a large number of loader designs is read, and a reverse six bar linkage is chosen as the structure of the working device of the loader.. According to the requirements of the task book using empirical formula calculation to determine the structural parameters of the bucket, using graphic method to determine the dynamic arm and the bucket, boom and arm, arm and a machine frame, a connecting rod and a bucket, a connecting rod and a rocker arm, etc. each articulated point position, and the stress situation of the bucket of several typical operating conditions are analyzed in detail, of working device of the main components of the strength check. Finally, detailed structure design for working device of the parts of the structure parameters of the loading using AutoCAD, and by using the software of SolidWorks on the wheel loading machine as a whole 3D modeling design, three-dimensional image to display and expression of the various parts of the d


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