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__дChapter 2

Practice Finish writing the concluding sentences: Producers make more goods when prices are high, and consumers buy more goods when prices are low. As prices go up, producers make more goods because they can make more money for their goods. As prices go down, consumers buy more goods because of the low prices. This shows us… Practice Try to appreciate the following paragraph, and identify: (1) Topic sentence (2) Supporting sentences (3) Concluding sentences Nearly all living creatures manage some form of communication. The dance patterns of bees in their hive help to point the way to distant flower fields or announce successful foraging. Male stickleback fish regularly swim upside-down to indicate outrage in a courtship contest. Male deer and lemurs mark territorial ownership by rubbing their own body secretions on boundary stones or trees. Everyone has seen a frightened dog put his tail between his legs and run in panic. We, too, use gestures, expressions, postures, and movement to give our words point. 2.2 Paragraph Unity 段落的一致性是指文章基于一个统一的主题,段落内容应保持一致,每个段落只能阐述一个中心思想,每一个句子都应与主题句密切相关。 Activity Identify whether the following paragraphs are unified. Pick out any sentence which is not related to the controlling idea of the paragraph. For hundreds of years, man has made use of the talents of monkeys. Ancient Egyptian paintings show baboons gathering fruit for their masters. Even in 1879, in Abyssinia, monkeys were still being used as torchbearers at feasts. The monkeys would sit in a row on a bench and hold the lights until the guests went home. Then the monkeys would eat. Most of the worlds zoos contain a variety of monkeys for people to watch. Which is not talent? Monkey’s talents: baboons gathering fruit Monkeys being used as torchbearers Monkeys in zoo for people to watch 2.3 Paragraph Coherence cohere 表示“to stick”或“to hold together”。连贯,一是指结构上的连贯;二是指内容上的连贯。 具有连贯性的段落中每个句子都很合乎逻辑地与下个句子相连接。 Two Ways to Obtain Coherence Transition signals Logic


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