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粘固剂影响桩核冠修复上颌中切牙的应力分析 陈红莉,韩耀伦,史 洋(450003郑州,河南省人民医院口腔科) 目的 方法 牙合 牙合 Von Mises应力、最大主应力和剪切力,分析粘层厚度牙本质和粘的应力分布峰值牙合 Von Mises应力和最大主应力集中区均在根尖牙合 应力集中区在舌侧颈缘及根颈1/3Von Mises应力和最大主应力的峰值略有减小,而粘固剂层Von Mises应力峰值、最大主应力峰值以及剪切应力峰值均明显减小,其中在前伸牙合 μm时粘固剂层XY和YZ方向剪切应力力峰值下降最为明显,分别达到了63.22%和51.46%。结论 粘固剂的厚度变化对牙本质的应力影响较小,而对粘固剂本身影响较大,适当增加粘固剂的厚度可以降低粘固剂的应力峰值。 [关键词] 桩核;粘剂;上颌中切牙;三维有限元 maxillary central incisor after post and core restoration Chen Hongli, Han Yaolun, Shi Yang(Department of Stomatology, Henan Provincial People’s Hospital, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, 450003, China) [Abstract] Objective To investigate the effect of different thickness of cement on residual dentine and stress statement in post and core restored maxillary central incisor. Methods The three dimensional finite element models of post and core restored maxillary central incisor with different thickness of cement were established by computer, with simulation of the protruding and oblique loads. The stress peak and distribution of dentine and cement of Von Mises, the maximum stress and shear stress were analyzed to investigate the effect of different thickness of cement in each model respectively. Results The stress distribution inside the dentine from different models was similar with the increase of thickness of cement. Under protruding load, Von Mises and the maximum stress on dentine in three models showed significant stress concentration at root apex, but for oblique loads, the stresses showed significant stress concentration at the lingual cervical margin and at the cervical one third of the tooth. The peaks of Von Mises, and the maximum stress inside the dentine were indistinctively reduced, but the peaks of them and shear stress in the cement were reduced obviously. When the thickness of cement was 100 μm under protruding load, peak value of shear stress in XY and YZ direction on the cement was reduced most significantly, by 63.22% and 51.46% respectively less than when the thickness


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