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32 3 ——— Vol.32 No.3 2 0 0 7 5 Earth Science—Journal of China University of Geosciences May  2 0 0 7 1,2 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 王亮清 , 唐辉明, 胡新丽, 张宜虎, 夏元友, 梁 烨 , 杨有成, 吴 琼 1.武汉理工大学土木工程与建筑学院, 湖北武汉 30070 2.中国地质大学工程学院, 湖北武汉 3007 3.水利部长江科学院, 湖北武汉 30010 :, , , ANSYS .:(1) ;(2); 0.5 GPa , ;(3)3 , , 10 ~ 15 m , . :;;;. :P6 2.2    :1000-2383(2007)03-0 09-06    :2007-03-19 Influences of Foundation Deformation Modulus to Stress Distribution of Roller Compacted Concrete Arch Dam 1, 2 2 2 3 1 WANG Liang-qing , TANG Hui-ming , H U Xin-li , ZHANG Yi-hu , XIA Yuan-you , 2 2 2 LIANG Ye , YANG You-cheng , WU Qiong 1.School of Civil Eng ineering and Architecture, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 30070, China 2.F aculty of Eng ineering, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 3007 , China 3.Scientif ic Institute, Changj iang Water Resources Commission, Wuhan 30010, China Abstract:With Yujianhe hydraulic engineering as the background and on the basis of geological module and boundary condi- tions of Liding dam, a 3-D mathematic and mechanical module w as constructed to study the influence of different deformation modules on stress distribution by ANSYS softw are.The result indicates:(1)The maximum principal stresses are chief ly dis- tributed at the bottom of the dam and close to weak intercalated layers;(2)The deformation module of w eak intercalated lay- ers affects the stresses of abutment and crown of the arch, and when it is less than 0.5 GPa, the differences of st resses are obviou


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