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第28 卷第10期 岩 土 力 学 Vol.28 No.10 2007 年10 月 Rock and Soil Mechanics Oct. 2007 文章编号:1000-7598 -(2007) 10 -2161 -06 高填方残积土路堤降雨滑塌机理与治理对策 1, 2 2 3 邱路阳 ,刘毓氚,李大勇 1. 350002 2. 350002 3. 271019 摘 要:结合发生于京福高速公路南平段土地洋大桥邻近的高填方残积土路堤滑塌灾害,着重分析了高填方残积土路堤滑塌 与降雨的关系。对强降雨入渗导致高填方残积土路堤滑塌机理进行了相关参数分析,结果表明,渗流主要分布在靠近原地面 处,此处容易形成软弱滑动面,造成滑塌。还探讨了引起滑塌的其他潜在因素如高填方路堤填土的土质特性、压实度以及湿 化变形等,并提出了整治方案,为高填方路堤的填筑设计、控制施工质量提供了依据。 关 键 词:路堤;降雨;残积土 + 中图分类号:TU 449 ;U 412.22 2 文献标识码:A A case study of failure mechanism of residual soil filled embankment QIU Lu-yang1, 2 2 3 , LIU Yu-chuan , LI Da-yong (1. Fujian Communications Planning Design Institute,Fuzhou 350002, China; 2.College of Civil Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350002, China; 3. School of Civil Engineering, Shandong University of Science Technology, Tai’an 271019, China) Abstract: Residual soil filled embankment failures have been the major part of landslide. The landslide event occurred at the filled embankment adjacent to the bridge abutment of Tudiyang Bridge at Nanping Section of Beijing-Fuzhou Expressway has been analyzed; and some factors affected on the residual soil filled embankment failure have been analyzed. The rainfall infiltration, as the most important factor, affected on this landslide event. Based on the parametric evaluation of the residual soil filled embankment failure, such mechanism analysis of filled embankment stability has been given. And the landslide were also caused by other triggering factors including the compacting factor of res


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