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Global Ecology and Human Ecology 全球生態學 (Global Ecology) 鄭先祐 (Ayo) 國立臺南大學 環境生態研究所 教授 環境與生態學院 院長 目錄 Global Ecology 大氣層 (Atmospheric Envelope) Concepts El Nino and La Ninas (氣候變遷) 氮肥的增加 對生物多樣性的衝擊 溫室效應 臭氧層破洞 圖1. 從月球看地球。地球是一個多水的行星。(Apollo 12 於月球拍攝的照片)。(Fig. 23.1) Global Ecology 人在樹林中,只能看到樹木,沒有看到森林的全貌。 於1968-70年間,太空人將從太空拍攝地球的照片傳回地球,人類首次得以走到畫框外面而看到整個地球。 結果,1970年人們發起地球日(Earth day)。許多環保法令陸續頒布,關心全球環境的輿論興起,以及提出環境影響評估的要求。 21st century Peter Vitousek (1994) This is the first generation(第一個世代) in history with the tools to examine how humanity has changed the Earth. This may be the last generation (最後一個世代) that has a chance to affect the course of those changes significantly. 大氣層 (Atmospheric Envelope) Green-house effect 倘若沒有陽光照射地球,地表的平均溫度約是 -18oC。 目前平均是15oC。 提高約33oC的溫度。 Greenhouse Effect (溫室效應) Heat is trapped near the earth’s surface by greenhouse gases: (Water Vapor, Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Ozone, Nitrous Oxide, and CFC’s) Absorb infrared and reemit most back to earth. 30 % Solar energy reflected back by clouds, particulate matter, etc. 70 % Absorbed by atmosphere/surface. Essay 28.5 The greenhouse effect Essay 28.5 The greenhouse effect Greenhouse Effect Concepts El Nino and La Ninas (氣候變遷) Human activity has greatly increased the quantity of fixed nitrogen cycling(氮循環的量) through the biosphere. Rapid changes in global patterns of land use threaten biological diversity. (威脅生物多樣性) Human activity is increasing the atmospheric concentration of CO2, which may be increasing global temperatures. (溫室效應) El Nino Southern Oscillation 聖嬰-南方震盪 The name El Nino (聖嬰) originated when this climatic seemed limited to the west coast of South America. (南美洲的西部沿岸) During an El Nino, a warm current appears off the west coast of Peru (祕魯的西部沿岸), generally during the Christmas season(聖誕節) . The term Southern Oscillation refers to an oscillation in atmospheric pressure (氣壓) that extends across the Pacific Ocean(太平洋區). 歷史軌跡 Gilbert Walker(英國數學家),印度天文觀測站主任(1904)。 印度於1899-1900發生乾旱而糧食欠收。 Walker 研析如何預測


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