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6 4 () Vo.l 6 No. 4 2006 12 JOU RNAL OF NAN JING NORMAL UN IVERS ITY ( ENG INEERING AN D TECHNOLOGY EDIT ION ) Dec, 2006 颗粒增强铝基复合材料的制备和组织分析 1, 3 2 3 宋永刚 , 郑 晶, 谭梅凤 ( 1. , 100072; 2. , 710016; 3. , 210028) [] ; . A l/ S i , , , , . A l/S i, , , , . [] , , , , [] T B331; TG 1462+ 1 [] A [] 1672-1292( 2006) 04-0053-06 P reparation and Fab ric Analy sis of Particle Reinforced A l Com posites 1, 3 2 3 SONG Y onggang , ZHENG J ing , TAN M e ifeng ( 1. Depa tm en t of T echn ical Suppo t Eng inee ing, A cadem y of A m o ed Fo ce Engin ee ing, Beijing 100072, Ch ina; 2. No thw est Inst itu te fo N on fe ous M etal Resea ch, X i an 710016, Ch in a; 3. Autom ob ile P oving G ound, Gen e al A m am en t of PLA, Nanjing 210028, Ch in a) A bstract: Infilt ation p essu e m ode ls fab ica ting MM C by the squeeze in filt ation m ethod a e established acco d ing to the basic p inc iple of hyd omechan ics and L ap lace equation. Such facto s a e discussed as the we t-ab ility betw een pa ticle and the m eta l sy stem, the cont ol of the in filt ation tem pe a tu e and the p essu e to hav e influence on the techno log ica l p ocess fo p epa ation. A cco ding to the h igh e info ced con tent A l/Si composites fab icated by p essu e infilt ation techno logy, theo y conce ned and the expe mi en tation, the pa am ete s fo techn ica l p epa ation a e wo ked out. T he composites fab icated hav e un ifo m m ic ost uctu es, and the eutec ti


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